Update? (Surprise!)

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So it has been a hot minute since I last updated this fic, but that is about to change.

Idk if anyone still gives a shit about this story but I have exciting fucking news.

This fic is getting rewritten!

Maybe that sounds boring but to put it into perspective, every chapter is 700-1500 words longer and I have a new 'bonus' chapter written that's from Gilbert and Lovino's POV's.

Not only that but this one will actually be finished.

I was always unhappy with how this one ended, it felt unfinished, there is so much more to Feliciano and Ludwig's stories that never got told, but all that is going to change with this rewrite.

5 of the chapters are rewritten with a new, never published before, chapter and new content in each rewritten chapter.

The story is the same, but it now has better writing, more description, more medical accuracies, scenes that make much more sense, and additional character information, both for our main two and other characters.

Backstories have changed and I am absolutely in love.

The rewritten version will definitely be on Archive of our Own (my user is Tyler_KB) but I'm curious to know if you want it on Wattpad as well.

I'm so excited for the rewrite and I hope you guys love it too :D

The rewrite will be posted on Archive with six chapters and updated with new ones when I finish them.

Each chapter takes upwards of a few hours (3-8 hours total on average so far, it depends on how long the original was and how much new content I add) to completely rewrite, however I will figure out a more permanent update schedule soon.

I have no idea if anyone still gives a shit about this story, but if you do I thank you for sticking with me and I hope you love the rewrite even more than you love the original.

Happy reading my dears.


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