Chapter 13: Marack

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The dream.

He had stood there, begging her to find another way.

How had I seen that?

Had I been there?

Marack caught himself, his hand settling on the wooden chair, just as I lurched forward to try to help him. He took a step back before my hand could settle on his arm.

"What are you doing here?" I couldn't tell if it was venom in his voice or pain.

Something had shifted though. As I turned away from Marack to look at Seth and Ash, I saw Ash watching me warily, his posture loose, ready for something as he placed himself between Marack and I. Seth had stepped back from me as well. I met their eyes before looking back, over Ash's shoulder at Marack.

"I don't understand.."

And I didn't. They had all seemed so welcoming and friendly, and now, they were behaving like Christine. They weren't hostile, even Ash was more on the defensive than offensive. They were waiting. Waiting for me to do something.

I felt suddenly so small like the world was crushing me. All my life... all my life I had struggled with being the odd one out, the pariah, and I had finally given myself a chance... a chance to hope and dream that I would be accepted here. That I had found my place, but now, I could see their wariness, the same wariness that others had expressed to me. Those who had known about my diagnosis.

But there is nothing wrong with me! A voice inside me screamed. I had seen the magic. I had seen the pink gardens. I was standing in a castle that I had seen partially burned. And I was looking at a man that I had seen in my dreams.
If anything, they owed me an explanation now.

"What?" I whispered, my voice wavering with emotion. Really? Say something else?!

The door behind us opened, and I whirled just as Christine burst in. "Mara..." Her words trailed off as she saw me, and that jealous fire lit through her eyes again.

"Enough!" I yelled and Christine narrowed her eyes on me. "Look, I don't even know you," I said, focusing my annoyance on her first. "So your "not her" attitude just needs to end now. I've done nothing to you," I turned my back on her, having nothing more to say to her. Because I didn't know her, and at this point, she seemed to be the least of my issues. I met Marack's green eyes again and tried to swallow my agitation. "I... What am I doing here?" A laugh escaped my lips. "I don't know. I barely even understand what 'here' is. I was just walking home and suddenly I was miles from where I had started. And then there was this fire demon... and then people jumped out of a freaking portal or something and started using magic..." I stopped, hearing the words coming from my mouth and everything seeming so insane at this point.

A hand on Ash's arm settled him and he relaxed almost instantly as Marack pushed past him. His eyes were on me, and still he watched me warily.

"What is your name?"

I stared at him. My name? After all I just said, my name? Did he even listen?

"You know what? I'm done, just show me the door and I'll go. I've spent my entire life

being a problem..."

"There's no need to be dramatic..."


"I'm sorry, did I miss something here?" I glared at him. "You are asking me what I'm doing here like you know me." I gestured over my shoulder at Christine who had quickly moved aside so the path to the door was unblocked for me to leave. "She's telling me that anyone but me can join this little team and yet I don't know any of you let alone how I've offended you so much that you want me gone. So if anyone is being dramatic it's you, Marack." I ended my rant with a snarl. Marack's lips twitched.

"You are right," He said gently. "I apologize."

Well, that was a start... but my blood still burned, or maybe it was my pride. And I felt like everyone was staring at me, which they were.

"Alright then," I said, taking a breath. "Can we just start again?"

Marack nodded. "What's your name?"

"Jamie," I said breathlessly.

Christine made a noise and Marack looked over my shoulder at her, his face intense. His eyes flicked back to me.

His gaze was warm but still, I could tell he was holding back. I didn't expect all the answers at once, but they had brought me here, and there was no way I could just go back, and act like nothing happened. Not knowing about the threat of Mu. And that was the thing, I wanted to do something. I couldn't just stand back and know that I could be part of this fight, to have a purpose, finally. And that was the truth. I was terrified of finally finding a purpose and being denied it. And if I was denied it, at least, I needed to know why.

And as if he could read my thoughts, he nodded. He turned to Ash, who was patiently waiting.

"Thank you, Ash, Seth," He paused, "Christine. I'd like a few moments to talk with Jamie one on one. Then I'll need a debriefing from the three of you on the events of tonight."

Ash nodded, turning and grabbing Seth's arm to drag him from the room, but Christine didn't budge. She stood by the door, watching Marack. My eyes flicked between them and I felt a cold chill go up my spine. She glared at him.

"We need to talk about this..." Christine began, but Marack shook his head.

"Christine, you need to leave. We can talk about it after."

She stared at him, her icey blue eyes burning holes into him, and I wondered if they had some way of communicating without words. Because something that was unsaid passed between them. And after my day, telepathy didn't seem that insane at this point.

She huffed, her eyes focusing on me. And I could see the blind fury and something else, pain maybe? As she watched me.

"Christine," his voice softened. "Please."

She clenched her hands, balling them into fists, and I wasn't sure if the act was towards Marack or me, but she turned quietly, still fuming and left the room.

And then it was just me and the man from my dreams.

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