-1 :: prologue

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A/N (please read):
EDIT (August 3rd, 2017): Hey. what's going on. you're about to read my first book in a while. Keep in mind, I had written this book at 3 in the morning and I hadn't written any self-insert fan fiction in over a year. Basically, this book is going to be very bad compared to the other books I've written. So before you read on, please keep that in mind. You've been warned. Also, thanks for your time.
(1975, 12 years ago :: New York, USA)

"Y/N!! Come!!"

Usually, whenever your father spoke in that tone, it meant that he had brought home one of his colleagues or a friend.

"She's a little slow for a 5 year old, huh?"

"I'm sorry, she's just very shy...Y/N!!"

You inched around the hallway of the condo with your back to the wall.

Then, standing next to your dad, was a man who was a little taller than him, had a very strong build, and a warm smile.

Just as he saw you peep around the corner, he flashed you a smile.

"You must be Y/N!" He said. You nodded. You walked a little closer to him, and he bent down to your level.  "I'm Joseph! You can call me Mr. Joseph, only if you want to though..!"

You giggled. "I'm....Y/N L/N," you said in a shy tone. Then you extended a hand, and he gladly shook it. Maybe a little too hard. Your father smiled at you, glad that you weren't being rude.

"Well, me and Joseph are going to be upstairs now, please don't bother unless it's very important," said your dad. He then bent down to your level, and whispered, "don't use your 'power' to kill anything." He then smiled and patted you on the back.

Joseph looked at you, confused, as him and your dad turned the corner.

You practically ran to your room, and then shut the door with a trembling hand. You closed your eyes and asked your friend to come out inside your head. And sure enough, when you opened your eyes, there he was. Floating there. He looked a little odd - all blue and decorated with clocks and little pieces of gold - but he was still a good friend.

"You heard daddy, don't do anything bad!" You scolded. Your friend rolled its eyes, then he faded away. Then, you sat on your bed and pulled out a random book from your small bookshelf, and read, the soft sound of men arguing over who-knows-what above you.

::Throughout the next couple of years, Joseph and your father would work upstairs. Each time he visited, you got a little closer to Joseph - eventually, you started calling him Uncle Joseph - and soon, it really did feel as if you were related. ::
(1988, present time :: New York, USA)
"Y/N," said your father, in a rather stern tone.

Sitting at the kitchen table together always meant something was going to happen.

"Well, now that you're 17, and you don't really have any friends-"

"I know, dad. You don't have to remind me." You really wanted to say, "No, I've got the only friend I'll ever need."

"Not only that, but your Language studies are amazing, Joseph requests that you go to Japan with him to visit his long-lost grandson, just to get out of New York for a while."

Your heart stopped. "God, why me?" You asked, but in your head. Leaving the house was really not in your array of talents, nor was leaving the country. Talking to people was not really one of your talents, either, especially when it's someone from a whole other country.

You nodded. "Fine. I wouldn't mind. What are the chances of me dying?" You ask, with a sarcastic tone.

Your father laughs.

"About a fraction of a percent."
(FEB. 27, 2017) -- AAAAAA, oh dude it feels so good to write again
I'm sorry for the long-ass hiatus and my shitty Gravity Falls x reader fanfics lmao
Well over the past two years I've gotten into jojo, so I decided to do X readers again, this time with everyones fave cherryboi
It's 1 AM so sorry if it sounds weird, I'll update when I can :)

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