5 :: stand users dont cry

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Here comes an extra long chapter ;))))
A Note:
Italics: Japanese
Regular text: English
You eventually found yourself watching a duel between Polnareff and a Avdol in a garden outside. There was a lot of fire and swords, but you weren't quite paying attention to the whole fight because you had taken interest in a caterpillar crawling along the sidewalk, and then counting roses on a bush. You had seen that Avdol was beating Polnareff last time you looked.

Then, Polnareff was on the ground. "You seem to have beaten me..." he said. "Well played...I'll...I'll just accept my fate...and burn to death..." he struggled to say. He literally was burning alive. You kind of just stared, not really sure how to react.

"Stop that," said Avdol. "You're being stupid." The flames were suddenly gone, and Polnareff seemed to be okay again...?

Polnareff got up. "I though I would be of some help to Dio, but I guess I'm not," he said. "I'm just trying to avenge my sister..."

Polnareff explained what happened to his sister. The fate she met walking home from school. The man who killed her. How Polnareff joined Dio's army to avenge his sister. The poor guy.

Polnareff finished up, right when two girls came up to Jotaro. They asked him to take their photo, but being the asshole he is, dismissed them with a heartfelt "shut up, you're annoying!"

Polnareff jumped to the case and greatfully took it for them. You sighed.
Everyone boarded a boat to the next location - Singapore. Polnareff decided on joining the team.

As Hong Kong got smaller and smaller on the horizon, the smell of salt got stronger and stronger. It was nice being out on the water. It reminded you of the ferries off Staten Island.

You leaned against the railing on the deck, putting your forearms on the cold, wet metal. Your hair blowed softly in the wind. Your backpack was getting a little wet from the mist in the air.

Kakyoin leaned against the raining right next to you. "Hey, you never did tell me what happened on the plane," you mentioned. Kakyoin shook his head. "There was more stand users and your Uncle crashed the plane. It's kind of hard to explain," he said. You laughed softly. "Ah, it's not his first time crashing a plane. He's not my uncle either, but that's okay," you said, staring out at the sea. "He's not? Then what is he?" Asked Kakyoin, intrigued. "He's a family friend. A good one, too."

The heat started to get worse. You rolled up the sleeves of your jacket and tucked your hair behind your ear. Lacking a ponytail, you couldn't put it up.

Kakyoin and Jotaro, somehow, seemed perfectly fine in their heavy school uniforms. You didn't question them.

"Let go of me!!" Someone screamed. You turned your head. A sailor was holding a little boy by the arms. He walked up to Uncle Joseph. "Stowaway. What do we do?" The little boy was trying to fight away. He was oddly built for a boy, but you figured everyone was different.

Then, he bit the sailor on the arm, and jumped off the deck into the water. You shrugged. The sailor rubbed his arm. But then you looked into the water and a shark was making its way towards this kid.

The were sharks in the water. You knew it, being as far out into the ocean as you were. You looked down into the water, but another thing was there...was it a shark? No, it looked to human-like to be a shark...!

i don't get it :: kakyoin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now