1 :: an alcoholic gets on a plane, and...

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A Note
Italics: Japanese
Normal Text: English
You gripped the handle of your suitcase tight. Your backpack felt as if it would suffocate your arms and kill you.

Even in a schoolgirl-type skirt, a polo shirt, a leather jacket and chuck taylors, you felt as if you were being burned alive.

The unfamiliar buzz of the airport made you feel dizzy. Too many people.

"You seem nervous, girl. What's wrong?" Uncle Joseph cocked his head a little.

"Uh, well, uh, I've never been on an airplane before, and there's so...many....people..." you said. You stepped forward in line to board the plane bound for Japan.

"Oh, nonsense. Planes are a fine method of transportation! Also, there will be more people on the plane, so don't feel bad!" Uncle Joseph said.

"You've crashed an airplane before..." you muttered. Your voice was barely heard over the bustle of the airport. 13 or so hours. With lots of people. 1,700 feet in the air.

You took one big breath as you stepped inside the plane, and quickly found your seat. You gripped the armrests as hard as you could when the plane took off, trying to fight the feeling of falling.

Not even 10 minutes after takeoff, Uncle Joseph was asleep. You sighed and rubbed your temples. You managed to locate the bathroom in the back of the plane.

You got up and shuffled your way to the bathroom, taking extra time to get there because, well, the floor felt as if it would fall under you.

You successfully attempted to squeeze yourself into the small bathroom, and then locked the door. You opened the toilet with caution,  afraid that it would just be a hole and whatever went in came out the bottom of that plane, through that hole.

Lacking the urge to pee, you closed the lid of the toilet and sat down on it. You removed the flask with what was left of your beer rations for the week, which you also somehow sneaked through security, and screwed off the top. You took a swig, which immediately made you feel much less nervous.

You scoffed silently at what an alcoholic you had become. "You just drink whenever you get nervous," you said to yourself. "What a damn mess you are. And you managed to steal the cheap beer, too."

You came out of the bathroom and returned to your seat, making sure that the lid of your flask was on tight before you shoved it in your pocket again.

You asked your friend to come out, again. When he did, you whispered to him; "Please wake me up when we land, okay?" He nodded, and you closed your eyes and drifted of to sleep.
You woke up just as the intercom dinged and announced that you would be landing. Saying a quick thanks to your friend in your head, You gently shook Uncle Joseph's arm.

"What, girl, what?!" He asked, loudly. "We're going to be landing soon..." you said, holding a finger up to our lips. He looked out the window at the land coming closer and closer to the plane. "By god, you're right," he said, as he reached under the seat for his luggage.
One you all eventually got to the airport lobby, Uncle Joseph halted to a stop and waited. "Who...what are we waiting for?" You asked, inside your head. You were too nervous to ask him. You both stood there, for, well, 15 minutes, until a smile grew on Uncle Joseph's face.

A man about the same height of Uncle Joseph - but with darker skin, a weirder hairstyle, and heavier clothes - came over to him, and they started excitedly talking. Crap, more people.

You gripped at the flask in your pocket, trying not to whip it out and chug what was left in it. You knew you had to introduce yourself to this guy, eventual--

"Ah, you must be Y/N!" Your whole body stiffened as you looked up, remembering to plaster a smile on your face. "Y-Yes! I am! You must be...?" You asked, ending with a questioning tone. "...Avdol Mohammed!" He said, with a smile. You shook hands.

"Joseph has told me lots about you," he said. You quickly glanced at Joseph, and then back to Avdol. "Only good things though, I promise!" Avdol said in a joking tone. Even though what he said wasn't very funny, Joseph and Avdol both laughed genuine laughs. You forced a giggle.
The three of you walked towards the taxi station. "Why is he coming with us...?" You thought. "Well, if he's a friend of Joseph, I guess it's okay with me," you finished, trying to reassure yourself that yes, everything was fine.

You all got into the taxi, and the ride was silent for a while, up until Joseph yelled, "STOP!!" You looked to the side of the van, and there was a woman, standing right by a police station. Joseph said to the driver, "Well, this is our stop, thank you!" He hastily shoved some money into the driver's hand, got out of the car and tugged the bags out of the trunk, and practically ran towards the woman.

"Holly! Why are you here?" He asked. Holly looked at him sadly, tears starting to form in her eyes. "It's Jotaro...he seems to have landed himself in jail!"
A/N (please read):
Ah heck it here's another
I should probably go to bed now so G'night ya nuggets!!

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