7 :: i'll do it for you (pt. 1)

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Italics : Japanese
Normal Text : English
Several weeks have passed since the day Kakyoin confessed. Since then, you spent more time with him. You enjoyed watching him kick people's asses (as well as helping).

You never thought that you'd watch him in his worst moment.

You gasped in horror as Kakyoin practically flew into the water tower with a sickening thud. "K-KAKYOIN!" You screamed, tears pooling up in your eyes. He was dead for sure.

You ran towards the building the tower was on as fast as your legs could carry you and climbed the stair up to the roof faster than you ever thought you could.

You ran over to Kakyoin. "It's gonna be okay, Kakyoin! You'll live!" You repeated, trying to comfort yourself. You checked his pulse. It was shallow, but it was still there.

You gasped. You remembered the soda from the hotel.

"Black Death can reverse the state of any object!"

You took out your stand and raised the clock above his head. It was badly broken, but it still worked.

"As long as the soul's not gone, I can do it," you said, while painstakingly cranking the hands backwards, and saw the hole in his chest get smaller and smaller until it was gone.

You checked his pulse again. It was starting to pick up, but he was unconscious still. You watched in relief as his chest started to go up and down again.

You tried to give him a piggy-back ride down the stairs, but it was kind of hard. But it was comforting to feel him breathe on your neck. You managed anyways. After getting out of the building, you laid his body on the side of an alleyway, hoping that he was alright.

Tears started to stream down your cheeks. "S-stop crying," you said to yourself, "h-he's fine. He's gonna wake up."

But then something else caught your eye. Uncle Joseph. A knife sticking out of his neck.

You gasped again. You couldn't just leave him to die there, so you prayed that Kakyoin would be okay as you went to go help Joseph.

In order for him to heal properly, you'd have to pull the knife out. As much as you didn't want to you did.

Big mistake.

Blood poured from the hole in his neck. You screamed. But then you came to your senses and turned back his clock, hoping that he wouldn't die.

And he didn't. He breathed with much labor, but he was okay. You somehow slung him over your shoulder and dragged him back to the same alleyway, where Kakyoin was sitting.

You looked at the both. "It's okay, Jotaro's out there, he's gonna kill Dio and then we can all go home-"

Going home. That's what stopped you from finishing your sentence. If you went back to America, how would you be able to stay by Kakyoin? Your stomach hurt. You couldn't stay in Japan, no matter how hard Kakyoin would beg you. You'd have to leave him, or something...

You silently started to cry again, your hand covering your mouth as you gently stroked Kakyoin's shoulder. "I-I should have never gone on this trip..." you choked. "I don't want to keep fighting anymore!"

But then, there was a sound similar to an explosion. You looked around the corner and, to be honest, almost shit yourself.

A huge road roller. The only thing that was visible of Jotaro was his twitching hand - the rest was trapped under the road roller. You opened your mouth to scream, but nothing came out.

i don't get it :: kakyoin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now