3 :: someone new

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A Note:
Italics - Japanese
Normal Text - English
"Oh, god, is he alright?"
"Who is he?"
"What's that thing on his forehead?"

All of this was what you heard eavesdropping by the door frame. You were a little curious as to whose body was brought home, too.

Then, Joseph's voice: "Shhh, be quiet!! Jotaro has to focus, or else Kakyoin dies!"

Kakyoin, huh. You peered into the doorway.

Jotaro had a friend, too.

You gasped, but quietly. Jotaro's friend was pulling out some long-worm type thing from Kakyoin's forehead. You were only slightly grossed out.

Finally, the thing was pulled from his forehead and dissolved between the fingers of Jotaro's friend. Then, his friend left.

"He should be fine now that we removed Dio's flesh bud," said Joseph. Wait, Dio? The vampire? You decided not to ask questions, though.

You ducked behind the door frame, again. "He should wake up in about an hour," said Avdol. "Let's leave him alone for now."

A bunch of people were going to come out of that room any second now, so you ran back down the hallway and pretended that you were walking down the southern hall. Thankfully, no one was suspicious as to what you were just doing.

His name rang in your head. Usually, you weren't eager to meet new people, but something about him drew you to wanting to say hi.
An hour passed. You knew that by now, Kakyoin had to be awake. You decided to take a walk to his room.

As you passed the kitchen, Holly flagged you down. "Sweetheart, would you mind taking this to Kakyoin?" She had a tray with tea on it. You eagerly nodded, happy that now you had a good excuse to talk to him.

You took the tea and began to slowly walk down the hallway. You had to have your friend hold it with you because you were shaking so badly.

Thankfully, the screen door was about 1/4 of the way open, so you could just push it open with your foot. You almost dropped the tray when you saw him sit up and look at you, which scared your friend away, too.

He was actually pretty handsome, now that you could see him more up close. He seemed tall, and had the same body type as Jotaro. His smile...it was amazing.

You closed the door with your foot. "Um, hi," you said shyly. He raised an eyebrow. "Who are you? Where am I?" He asked. His voice...it made you feel odd. In a good way.

"I'm Y-Y/N L/N, you're at the Kujo residence," your voice was shaky. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, thank you," he said, taking a small cup of tea. He raised it to his lips and took a sip.

You stared at the floor. "Um, if you need anything, you can just...uh, call," you said, getting up.

"Wait," he said, which took you by surprise. "Would you mind having tea with me?"

You wanted to shout, "YES!!!" But what you actually said was, "Of course."

You sat down again, trying not to make it evident that you were shaking like a leaf in a tornado. You poured yourself a cup of tea.

You would have poured something out from your flask but you weren't about to drink in from of him.

"So, um...earlier, when you brought me this...you had something hold it with you," He  said. You had to take a second to analyze what he just said.

i don't get it :: kakyoin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now