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I reached exam center at right time.I was proud student of Fsc premedical.I struggled too hard to do my matriculation in good grades just for my ambition of becoming doctor.I often wondered that I had been driving my life.All it seems was perfect.What ever I desired for was is my plate of life.When I wanted to win debate competition in which I only participated to defeat Harib and even I doubted my debating skills but still I won it. I was born to win. I was born to drive life. I was interpreting my life and yet this was another chapter of my life written by me.Gathering my thoughts I finished writing my paper and handed it over to examiner. Within no time I had done the paper and I was very confident about my answers.
All my life was going awesome. I was wondering anything I could find imperfect.I had two younger sisters who were just ok in studies.I cherished my importance as an obedient,hardworking and successful child.geeezzz!! I used to think all that stuff about me..

I was deep in my thoughts when my mobile rang.It was my one and only friend and rival Harib asking about the paper.He was so disappointed when I said that my paper went 100%.

Days past and here we were waiting for our last paper.Harib had given each paper with full enthusiasm to beat me.
When I was back home after last paper I recieved a letter and I was so surprised that it was from Harib."Why would he write me letter when we had just met in college?",my heart was beating fast and I could hear my heart rate.

I hate failure and Alina always beat me,I feel like failing each time. I doubt my capabilities from childhood because she has never let me to be confident. My life was driven by her writing my fate to fail each time to get defeat each time.
When I called her on first paper of our Fsc premedical she said it went 100% but mine was not.
Her parents could even afford expense of private medical college but my parents cannot do that even. This time it was the battle of life and death. I had to win. I struggled more and more and on our last day of exam I wrote to her.

Dear Alina,
          I know you will win this time too but I want to let you know that I fail each time because I love to see you win.Its not that I am not capable of winning but I lose to make you happy.The way your eyes glow at your success and your cheeks get red hot and I love the way you call me to tease me... I love you Alina...It was hard to write it on paper and I dont know how you will react on this but please be fair to me I dont want to loose you..
                    yours and yours and yours Harib loves you Alina

when I read his letter adrenaline rushed through out my body. My guess was right it was a love letter. First and may be last on my life. I kept on reading it again and again. I was so angry,happy,lost and depressed. But why I was depressed. I felt ashamed of wining because he loves to lose from me. I could not understand it. Love can make someone do that. I was just 16 and love had no sense by then. Its just whoever praise you and says I love you is truly in love. It took me years to understand why he wrote me that letter.
I felt so loved and lost.I lost my track of studies and started loving him.Exams had already ended and it was best time to make love when all our society is busy doing all that stuff. We made long phone calls and texted all day and night. I started loving my new life which was get up and tell Harib whatever I was doing even if I was putting on my panties I would text Harib and tell him that. I dont know but I really ejoyed doing that!!
      Still to my pleasure and thoughts of life,I was driving my life... Loving and getting loved in return. There was nothing imperfect. I started loving Harib and lost my Allah. I just remembered Harib all day.

She wins but she lost her heart.Now I won.poor girl she is...
I kept on thinking about how to distract her from studies and this was the best way. My letter did it best.. I got all the jellies and juice of her... She even sent me her picture with pink panties and bra. I enjoyed every bit of her. I wonder why I never thought of doing this to her before.
I was busy making her fool when our first year result was announced and again she had secured more marks than me. She had 95% and mine were 92%. First time in my life I was happy because I knew I had chances of winning in second year over all. This time it wasn't about marks it was about entering medical school and I wanted to defeat her in a way that she could not even think in her dreams. I wanted to enter medical school all alone with no shadows of ugly Alina ruining all my life with her driving skills. She drove my life...

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