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I was walking by a street in Australia when I saw social workers helping people who were sick because of the epidemic that hit there.

I was impressed by the uniformity and dicipline in them.I kept looking to them for hours and saw that they were giving a book to people in grief.I got curious and asked one of the victim of epidemic to show that book to me.

Title said,"Five sessions" by "Alina Ghaziyaan".My eyes were wide open with amazement.What a small world!!
I started reading it.I was unaware that Alina had written a book.

The book contained her sessions back to normal life.It was all about the power that belongs to Allah Almighty.She was giving it to non muslims but the content was well tested and showed that she had done so much research to write such a book..

It contained translation of Surah Duha and book was well written and could take anyone out from sorrow and grief.I cried because I now knew what Alina had went through.

I was caught in amazement and surrounded by my thoughts when I caught an eye on Alina.She was there too.

I approached her.She saw me too.I was very ashamed of what I did but I could see she was more successful than me.Half of the world knew about her and her aim of serving humanity and there I was with no name in good books and no name as a good doctor.

Alina said,"Assalam.o.alaekum.How are you?"
I said,"Walaekumassalam.I am good.I just read your book.Its amazing.You are making non muslims out of pain too."
Alina said,"Oh yes,I just wrote it but my hubby wanted it to share with every person in grief so that people should take life as a gift and value it."
I said,"your hubby is a true gentleman."
She smiled and I felt so ashamed.

I had made that girl cry alot for making her fail but here she was standing infront of me and teasing me with her success.

I understood the fact that success was in hands of Allah as everything of our lives is in HIS hands.I planned to go with the flow that day.

I managed to apologize Alina for my lies and evil deeds and to my surprise she forgave me at once and to even more surprise she told me that even if I had not asked for forgiveness she had forgiven me.

I felt even more ashamed.I had no courage to face her after that and I left but with new resolutions.
1) I will never tell lies.
2) I will pray to Almighty Allah for success
3) I will stay positive
4) I will have faith that everything happens for a reason(maslehat) and Allah almighty is the one who is aware of the reason.we never know
5) Life is a blessing and it should not be taken forgranted
6) Winning,loosing and sorrows and  happiness are part of life and we cannot drive life ourselves
7) I will trust in Allah who is writing my fate and I am on the roads of life just to assess my courage of being good because being bad is far more easy.

I had a new life to begin with positivity and repentance.I had way to get back.I still had a route to Allah and there always is a way back.


I met Harib that day.He had read my book.I was happy that he read and to my amazement he asked for forgiveness.He was really sorry for his deeds and I had forgiven him already.I knew Allah loves the one who forgive and so I did with an open heart.

I thought less about the meeting with Harib because I had to manage the social work going on there and My daughter was too tiny by then so I had to look after her too as Mr.Hayat and miss Haya Hayat were already missing me in hotel.I had to go back.


I am happy with my life Alhamdulillah.I have narrated my past so that people should seek guidance in it.Holy Quran is not merely a book,its the best tutorial to spend life.Its upon us how we make use of it.We very little implement it on our lives.

I am the mother of two Alhamdulillah.Daughter named Haya Hayat and a son named Haidar Hayat.I am quite satisfied with my life.

Life is to be driven by Almighty Allah and we should just go with the flow but make required efforts.Successful are the ones who thank.Allah is with those who sabr and tere are gifts for those who say shukar.(patience and thankfulness are actual success)

Mr.Hayat just bought an electronic Quran book for me.It has a pen Quran in it.I am impressed by the technology.This is a gift for me on our fifth wedding anniversary.Our life is quite calm Alhamdulillah.

I am really happy for the gift so I thought to write about it.I am tired now as my kids are very naughty and Mr.Hayat says that he used to be very naughty in his childhood so I have to bear these little munchkins.

I am about to sleep dear diary.
Good night !

                *****the end*****


I hope you liked the story.I think that I am blessed to write such a story and I will feel even more blessed if anyone of the reader finds some hidayat from it as hidayat is from Allah.

I hope this will make the readers to make resolutions in their lives too.

Hoping High!

Thankyou dear readers!
Thankyou Allah Pak!

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