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A/n- OK so let's get this out of the way. (Y/n)=your name, (f/c)=favorite color, (f/n)=friend's name, (fa/n)=father's name, (m/n)=mom's name, (b/n)=boy name, (h/c)=hair color - if I missed anything you might just have to figure it out by yourself. So this is my first story and I can be a sensitive person (even though I might not act like it) so you don't get to judge or make fun of me (unless you're my friend because it's our job to tell our friends the cold hard truth and also embarrass and make fun of them from time to time) but please tell me about any spelling or grammar errors so I can fix them. Anyway, on with the story!

No one's pov:
It had been around two years since Bill was defeated. The Pines family had come back to Gravity falls for the summer. But little did anyone know, a certain well-dressed triangle was back as well. Sitting alone in the mindscape was a very grumpy Bill Cipher, being upset because a bunch of meatsacs had managed to dupe him. He watched as the Pines family had all gathered at the mystery shack. Oh how he hated them with a burning passion. How has this have anything to do with you? Well that's exactly what we're getting to right now.

Meanwhile in some place:

(Y/n) pov:
Great! Just great! We're moving... Again! For like the fifth fucking time! Apparently we have to move to some place named Gravity Falls. Lucky me! I get to leave behind my friends (I have like one) and the new house I just got used to! All because my parents like to study anomalies. What the fuck is an anomaly!? Not only that, but I have to stay with a completely different family! What the fuck is up with that!? Do my parents hate me or something? If so they could've just told me instead of just leaving me with random strangers. Would've made me feel a lot better. I have a feeling this summer is gonna be a long one.

A/n- Yup! It was short. But what are you gonna do? Beat me up for not making it longer? I'd like to see you try. Besides, I'm the author! HAHAHAHA! (Who knew laughing hysterically could be so fun?) I get to control the story and everything in it. EVEN YOU! (Dun dun duuuun! *cue dramatic music*) Anyway, I'm gonna go now. Peace out!✌

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