Chapter One- The Invitation

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Ashley's POV

I stood at the window, looking through the thick glass that is separating me from the outside world. I wonder how it feels to be out again for I have not been out since the death of my husband. I walked away from the window and headed towards the kitchen where I was greeted by my servants. I just went past them for I am still broke from the feeling.

"Ms. Foxxe?" Knocked my servant, Ms. Jones. "Come in." I mumbled but loud enough for her to hear me. She went in with a smile and curtsied. "I heard that the Bennet's place are occupied again." I just continued to sharpen my knives and hummed, a signal for her to continue.

"It is occupied again by Mr. Darcy. Ms. Elizabeth's husband." My head ached at the name Darcy. I sure hope he got his army and swords sharp as his pride for I will be planning to kill him. I may have not seen him or his face but I am sure that the feeling of madness would be boiled as I feel his presence.

I want to repeatedly stab him with my sword and behead him over and over again. I would like to do that after a lot of pain I went through because of him. He needs to pay for the death of my love who did nothing but be good and fair to the world.

"And what is it with Mr. Darcy?" I asked her and she sighed from the sound of my voice. "He's throwing a ball... More like, his friend is throwing a ball for him. You know Mr. Bingley? The one who occupied Netherfield park. And he invited you. Nobody knows about your marriage with Mr. Harold Lucas, Ms. Foxxe. Even his own family. About the ball again, it is due later at night. After the set of sun and Mrs. Foxxe already got a dress ready for you for there will be a lot of men there. Who knows Ms. Foxxe, maybe you'll find the man who will ask you to marry him and will replace your sorrow with a ring."

I huffed at her last suggestion. "No man could ever replace my sorrow with a ring, Ms. Jones. Nor my sword. I do not want any of their money or homes for it is no use for now cause it is your life which matters. I want a man who can give me the permission to continue being a warrior." I told her before I went to the bathroom and did my business there which contains of taking a bath, brushing my teeth and drying my hair.

When I went out the bathroom, I saw a beautiful dress laid out on my bed. I admired the color of it which is green and is past my ankles. Three maids went inside my room and started fixing me out.

I admired the look that the maids did to me. My hair was put up in a bun and they put up minimal make up in my face and my dress fit up just right on the edges and curves. I was soon called up as the sun was already starting to set and I took one last glance of the portrait of me and Mr. Lucas. 

A smile crept its way up my face as I headed down. "Ashley!" "Coming!" I yelled as I hurried  as fast as I can without cutting myself with the swords I hid underneath my dress.

I went up the carriage and sat down next to my mother. "Mr. Darcy is the host of the ball. And have you heard that he has not less than ten thousand pounds a year. Ashley, you should present yourself for there is no doubt that he will like you."

Mothers. Typical mothers who wanted their daughters to marry men who is rich and wealthy and trained at Japan. Mothers are the reason why you can't enjoy life because of their bewitching power of being controlling. They wanted to make you have a life you do not want and that life will just benefit them. They wanted to marry without affection, in which they do not know, makes it complicated.

"Ashley, I am speaking to you." I looked at my mother and she huffed. "I think you should find another man who is richer than Mr. Lucas. And by far, better. I want you to have the life I didn't have, Ashley. No offense Mr. Foxxe." Father just nodded and Mother continued on with her rants.

"And the perfect man is Mr. Darcy." I cringed at what she said and I rolled my eyes. "Mother, I could never marry a man whom is proud such as Mr. Darcy. He is too full of himself. He thinks highly of himself." I forenamed with my chin up high.

"He has the right to be proud, Ash. He has the power and the money. He can have all the girls he want yet he stuck to one who died in a battle." The carriage came to a stop and I thought about what father said. He only stuck to one girl even though he can get all the girl he wants? Sounds like a keeper but I will never change my mind about pulling a revenge on him.

"Mr and Mrs. Foxxe, welcome. Ms. Foxxe, glad you came." Mr. Bingley said and I smiled.

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