Chapter 3- The Tea

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Third Person's POV

Ms. Foxxe was quite thrilled when she got invited over for tea with Mr. Darcy. She was mortified to go for everyone in town was already talking about it. What can we say, the rumour flies faster than the fly itself.

As for Mr. Darcy, he still is torn about the feelings he felt last night that he could not even sleep well. He wanted to know why he was feeling like that. He want it to be cleared for he did not feel like that when he met Elizabeth. He thought maybe it was just the disgust he feels in the pit of his stomach because of the fact that he killed her lover.

As Ms. Foxxe was on her way towards the Darcy's, the host himself did not want to come out of his room. He wish not to see her considering that he wanted to know what this feeling was. But there was this part of him that wanted to see her ocean blue eyes and her playful smile.

Mr. Darcy smiled at the thought of her. He got up and got ready right before she arrived. When Ms. Foxxe appeared, he was already down at the table and waiting for his guest. He looked up and felt his heart miss a beat when he saw the sight in front of him.

She was so beautiful. She was like an angel sent from above.

Mr. Darcy quickly got up and bowed as she curtsied and one of his servants pulled up a chair for the lady. "So, how was your travel here? Any concussions or problems?" Mr. Darcy asked to break the silence. It was not like him to break the silence but he knew that she will not speak if he didn't talk.

"It was splendid. Thank you for asking. Did not have any troubles at all.. I must say that you protect the perimeter very well, Colonel." Mr. Darcy felt uncomfortable when Ms. Foxxe gritted her teeth when she said 'Colonel' but he played it cool.

"Ahh, yes. My people are great defenders. I would not wish for what happened the other day to happen again. A lot of lives were risked because of that." He tried and Ms. Foxxe smiled. "I am glad that you know that. I thought you did not know for you do not care about other people's lives." Mr. Darcy was quite taken back by her words but he pretended he did not hear it and hummed.

"The undead can be controlled, that is a fact Ms. Foxxe. I do hope you treasure that." Mr. Darcy told her and she nodded, feeling a bit mad for he did not hear what she said and also relieved for she would have took a blade to her throat if it came out wrong for him.

They talked more about life. About how they grew up and other events and circumstances. She was quite delighted for she and Mr. Darcy have a lot in common and the gentleman felt relieved for Ms. Foxxe seemed like she was having a good time.

Ms. Foxxe looked like as if she forgot about her plans of revenge seeing that she is having a great time with Mr. Darcy.

And Mr. Darcy felt his chest lift up. This day, he felt like he forgot about the grief he was feeling inside. He felt happy for once again and he loved that feeling but he do know that it will not be long because of the fault he did. He wanted to bring back time as he knew more and more about Ms. Foxxe but he did notice that she seemed to be avoiding the topic about love.

"Mr. Darcy, I had a great time. I hope to have more of this times like this around us. Thank you again." Ms. Foxxe said as she got up her horse, Star. "It was my pleasure, m'lady for I had a wonderful time also. Be careful on your way home and good night Ms. Foxxe." Both of them smiled before they went their separate ways.

Ms. Foxxe hurried home for it is almost night and seems like it is going to rain and she knows that the undead spring faster from the wet earth. While she was thinking about the day her and Mr. Darcy had, her lover popped up on her mind and suddenly it clouded with anger.

She wanted to destroy him but as her and Mr. Darcy was talking earlier, the man told her about the emptiness he felt inside when he saw his love die and become one of them. She was deciding whether to continue her plans or ditch it but as she passed the place that Mr. Lucas loved to take her, she knew her answer.

She will continue it.

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