Chapter 5- The Arrival

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Mr. Darcy's body shook as his horse galloped hurriedly. He was on the the way back to Hertfordshire for he has been needed by his close friend, Bingley. It was another benefit for he has a chance to see Ms. Foxxe.

He was quite messed up from the way he felt but now, it was clear. He admires her. Those two weeks gave him time to think. But all he could think of was Ashley.

Mr. Darcy was stopped once a horde of the undead gathered around him and his horse started panicking. Mr. Darcy started killing the undead one by one but to no avail, it only got more. He knew that the road to Hertfordshire can have a lot of the undead and so he accepted it for his horse ran away.

He killed 10, but 15 more sprang out. He thought it was useless until the undead at the far end got its head cut off. This gave him hope and to that, he started killing them again, beheading the beasts that meant to kill him. Once he got a better view of the angel, he saw Ashley.

"Good lord, thank you for sending her." Darcy mumbled silently and Ashley awaits, standing and staring at Darcy once they finished slaying the undead. Ashley went over him and snuck her sword at his neck. Darcy was quite afraid for this is the second time he almost got beheaded by Ms. Foxxe.

"Are you bit?" Mr. Darcy was surprised by her question and shook his head. Ashley deposed her sword down and smiled. "Good to see you again Mr. Darcy." Darcy sighed in relief and smirked. "Good to see you too Ms. Foxxe. Have you seen a black horse run away?"

"Oh yes. He ran towards the Benne- I mean towards your property. I figured out that it was yours so I ran here cause I thought you were in trouble.... Which you very were." Darcy's heart fluttered for he now knows that Ashley cares for him. "W-well, I think we should get going. It is already dark and the undead are quite stronger in the night." They both went on their feet and started walking towards the Darcy household.

"How was London?" Ashley asked as her and Darcy walked. "It was alright. The undead tried to get past the Grand Barrier. We thought they can cut off our heads first before we cut off theirs." Ashley looked down as she heard that. "How was Hertfordshire? Were there any incidents happening?"

"There was one which was very serious. A lot of people died and ranked as one of the undead. Almost half of the population of Hertfordshire. We did not know what to do for we were on the loss of men." Mr. Darcy felt bad for he was one of the reason. He took half of the men of Hertfordshire to bring to London.

"I am sorry for the big loss, Ms. Foxxe. I must say that I should take you home for you do not have any horse with you." Mr. Darcy said right after he noticed he was back at the house. "Thank you for your offer but I would like to get back home all by myself. I prefer walking alone at night." Mr. Darcy was about to protest but Ashley left without bidding good bye.

Mr. Darcy hurriedly ran to his horses and rode on one. He tried to catch up on Ms. Foxxe but she stopped on her tracks. "Mr. Darcy, I told you I do not want company right now. Please, I will be fine so leave me. Goodnight." She continued on her tracks and Mr. Darcy just stayed and felt his heart sink.

He told his horse to go back and his servants greeted him once he got in.

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