Chapter 4- The Fight

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Ashley was in their fighting arena when she heard the door open and close. She took the nearby sword and swung it towards the figure. "I still would not like to die, Ms. Foxxe." Ashley's eyes went wide when she recognized the voice as Mr. Darcy's.

"Pardon me for almost killing you, Colonel. What brings you here, regardless your busy schedule?" Ashley asked the man standing in front of her as he grabbed another sword. "I just came by to visit as I saw Mr. Foxxe at the Netherfield park." They started training and Mr. Darcy smiled.

"You are quite good with the sword. But let us see you fight without weapons, shall we?" Mr. Darcy kicked Ashley's hand until the sword falls into his hand as Ashley groan in pain before grinning and started to hit Mr. Darcy.

Mr. Darcy threw the swords away as the pristine young lady showed off her skills in Judo, which she learned on China. Anyone from the out can tell that the two were having fun and will not doubt that they will be good friends or even more than that.

"I hope you know that I do not need a weapon to defeat anything. All I need are my hands and my skills." Ms. Foxxe let out while breathlessly trying to hit and block Mr. Darcy. "What if we take your hands away?" Mr. Darcy asked as he pulled her hands and the lady blushed at the sudden closeness of their bodies.

The two were caught up on their feelings that they forgot about the world. Ms. Foxxe wanted to resist but Mr. Darcy won't let go so she had a brilliant idea. She kicked Mr. Darcy's knee and the poor man fell down the floor letting out a string of curses to fall from his mouth.

The young lady just laughed as the man looked up to her and smiled for she looked wonderful having fun. He might've just met her a week ago but he felt as if she have been there since he was a kid. But she was not. He wanted to change the feelings he felt towards her and he felt bad.

'What if I treat her badly so she will go awaySo I will not feel bad anymore about killing her lover?'

These were the thoughts running on his mind. But he knew that he cannot. For he is in love with the feeling he feels inside whenever he's near her. He wanted to change that for he does not know what this means. This was by far different from what he felt with Elizabeth. This was much stronger.

He did not know that he was in the middle of the battle before he began. This is an extraordinary fight for this is a fight between his feelings and him. His brain versus his heart. His thoughts versus his insights.

Days passed by after their training and it seems like it was far more different from there. It has been 2 and a half weeks after he left for London. Ashley felt lonely but also solved for she had enough time to think her plan through.

She did not know why she felt lonely without him even though she tried to push the feeling away. She struggles with the unfamiliar feeling she has on the pit of her stomach and it is aching her to know that she is developing feelings to a man who killed her lover once.

But what she really wanted to know was, does she still want to continue this? To continue this harsh plan against Colonel Darcy? She's torn. Torn from the good and the bad.

Harold would not want this. He would not like the way Ashley is acting now. Harold did not like the idea of Ashley getting into fights before, so he will maybe not like this.

But Ashley wanted to give her lover justice.

Her mind spun from the way she was thinking. From the way her league goes to this plan and to another. She felt like a mess. Maybe the other is right. Maybe she should stop this plan and continue her life for she knows that this is not what her lover would like or fancy.

Maybe she will change her mind. Maybe she would not.

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