Chapter 6- Williams

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Ashley awoke to the sound of her mother's annoying and irritating voice. "Come, come. Hurry up so you can see her. She is going to be so happy when she sees you." She sat up and listened carefully. "I do hope so, Mrs. Foxxe. But, would I not bother her if she is still asleep?" She got curious at the unfamiliar voice.

"Oh, no no. She would not. Do not worry about it. Now, get inside her room." Ashley's  eyes widened as the door of her room opened. She was by far more shocked at what she saw as the figure stood in the doorway.

"Co- colonel Williams...  I... I thought you died!" Ashley exclaimed as she stood up and hugged the man. "I thought so too Miss Foxxe but, Alas! I am alive!" Ashley stared at the man while smiling.

Colonel Williams was the man who was promised to her since infancy. They all thought that he died from the tragic war and caused for Ashley's parents to agree to Ms. Foxxe on marrying Mr. Lucas secretly. Ashley never saw Williams as her lover but perhaps as a close acquaintance and a partner in crime. But, Colonel Williams felt different for he fell under Ms. Foxxe's spell.

"I really thought you are gone for everybody said that you were one with the ranks of the undead. I am so glad you are alive, Colonel Williams." Colonel smiled at her and thought about it. "There, there.... Go get ready for we have a day in front of us. We are gonna catch up on each other."

Colonel Williams left the room with a smile plastered on his face and Ashley went to the bathroom to get ready.

When she came out, she saw the Colonel holding up a bouquet of red roses, which was her favorite, and she beamed. "You did not have to, Mr. Williams." She spoke as the roses were given to her. "Oh please. You always loved roses. And, it is nothing for I love to make you smile."

Ashley linked arms with Colonel Williams as they left for town. They talked about things in life he missed for he was ought to be dead more than 2 years ago.

Ms. Foxxe felt happy for her friend came back, not to be married to her but because she missed the feeling of having some one by your side. She lost that feeling when she met Lucas but it occurred again last 4 months.

"Ms. Foxxe?" Ashley turned her head and saw Mr. Darcy, on his horse along with Mr. Bingley. Ashley curtsied and Colonel Williams raised his eyebrows. "Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, I should introduce you to Colonel Williams." The gentlemen bowed at each other and Williams grinned. Mr. Darcy did not seem to like the new man in town that is promised to Ms. Foxxe.

"I know you Mr. Darcy. You are also a Colonel, right?" Colonel Darcy nodded and flashed a small smile before casting his attention to Ms. Foxxe.

Mr. Darcy felt a slight ache on his heart as he saw the linked arms but acted as if it was nothing. "So, what are you opposed to do today, Ms. Foxxe?" Mr. Bingley asked her. "Just going to spend the day with Colonel Williams here. How about you?"

"We were just on our way to Longbourn. We needed to sort things out for they were in a mess. Need to check the perimeter of the area." Ashley slowly nodded as she looked at Mr. Darcy. "Well, we should get going. Goodbye Ms. Foxxe, Colonel Williams." Mr. Darcy and Bingley left with their horses and  Ashley and Colonel Williams went their way.

Mr. Darcy saw something about Colonel Williams that he disliked or maybe it was just that he was taking Ms. Foxxe away. Or maybe there really is something up on the man.

Bingley noticed the way Darcy was acting and being silent. "Is there something wrong, old man?" Mr. Darcy shook his head but from the looks of it, Bingley noticed the comfortless and strange acting of Darcy but he let it slip for Darcy would not tell it anyway.

Darcy thought about it repeatedly. How strange the man was acting and looking or maybe he was just jealous. But he cannot be jealous for Colonel Williams does not have what he has. Or maybe Darcy just need to cool it down and maybe relax his mind to settle down.

And he chose to let it slip, for there was nothing to worry about. He knew he will not have any chance with Ms. Foxxe for some reason of killing her old lover. He knew it brought such great pain to the girl and he wished for it to never happen to him again and towards other people.

But for his feelings, it still is complicated and not easy to figure out as this is by far more different on what he felt towards Ms. Bennet.

This was much ardent.

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