Chapter 2- The Ball

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As we went in, the jolly sound of music blasted. People were dancing all around and some are eating. Everyone was happy. The ball always lift up everyone's spirits. Except for me. I would rather be out there killing the undead than be on balls in which I do not even enjoy.

"Let me show you to our host, Mr. Darcy. He is quite curious about you Ms. Foxxe, for your name is famous here." Mr. Bingley said and my mother squealed with delight. "This might be your chance, Ashley." "Mother." I scolded and she huffed.

Mr. Bingley brought us to a room and I saw a rather attractive man, wearing leather and is staring out the window. "Bingley, is that her?" My heart raced at the sound of his voice and I shuddered.

Should I talk to this man? Should I back out from my plans? Wait. What am I even saying? He killed my love. I will do this.

"Yes it is, Darcy. Ms. Foxxe, come in. Mr. And Mrs. Foxxe, come with me." Mr. Bingley left the room with my parents and he closed the door. "Good evening Ms. Foxxe." Mr. Darcy greeted with a bow. "Mr. Darcy." I curtsied and he told me to be seated.

"I heard you are one of the protectors of Hertfordshire? That must be an honor as I thought that only men are the protectors." Mr. Darcy said as I nodded. I'm frankly annoyed by him. Does he think a girl cannot be one of the protectors? "It is hard work but it also is worth it for tis' an honor to be one of the people who help." I told him while patting my foot in annoyance.

"I can tell you're getting annoyed for keeping you here. Come, let us go out and enjoy this ball." He offered while giving me his hand but I declined it and got up. When we got out, the music is still the same and I took a glance at Mr. Darcy.

I was quite mesmerized by his appearance at the light. The rays of the light hitting just the right places to make him look like an angel but he still is worse than the devil inside. Ashley, focus. He killed your husband. You must seek revenge.

"Can I have the next dance?" I was brought out from my trance. I forced up a smile as I saw Mr. Darcy looking at me with his hand still in the air. I took it and he pulled me to the dancefloor.

I must admit that he is good at this. Good first impression but still evil.

I didn't notice it but sooner, Mr. Darcy and I were laughing and talking. Turns out he isn't that bad after all. If only he didn't kill Harold we might've been friends. Soon enough, screams of terror were heard outside the walls. People started panicking as the undead roamed it's way to the inside.

I took my daggers out and started killing some of the undead.

Mr. Darcy's POV

I watched Ms. Foxxe as she took her daggers out and started stabbing the undead. I took no time to waste and started helping her. I must admit that I was truly amazed by her beauty and figure. She looked as if she was meant to be a warrior and looked as if she was determined to be one.

She had not failed to impress me for what she did as we finished all the zombies. I was about to say something when she threw her dagger up my direction. I quickly avoided it and it hit the head of an undead right at my back. I stared at her in awe as I felt something inside me change as she walked away.

I've never felt this feeling except for Elizabeth. Am I falling in love with someone whom I just met? I will not make such mistake ever again as I made with Elizabeth but how could I do this if I know that she was the lover of the man I killed back at the war?

Ashley's POV

I walked away as soon as I threw my dagger at the undead behind Mr. Darcy's back. I could've left that zombie to kill him but why did I not? Am I being crazy? Maybe that is not the way I wanted to put revenge on him.

I want him to suffer like I did. I want him to grief over someone he loves but how will I do that? I want him to be broken as the pieces of the glass I accidentally broke. I want him to be mortified when he hears the word love for it is the reason why I am planning a revenge.

"Ashley, come on hurry up. We do not want the undead to kill us." As I was getting in the carriage, I heard someone call my name.

Mr. Darcy.

"What is it Mr. Darcy?" I arrogantly asked him. "I want to thank you for saving my life from the undead. And I want to say sorry for the means that you didn't like. Have a goodnight and be safe." He left with a bow as I proceeded to get inside the carriage.

"I predict a wedding in under 3 months." Mother happily chatted and I growled. "Mother there will be no wedding for he does not like me nor fancy me." I spat and she crossed her arms on her chest. "It is clear to see that Colonel Darcy fancies you, my dear daughter. I know that look he just gave you somewhere."

Could I really have made Mr. Darcy have an affection on me? If I did, then I have a great plan on how to revenge on Colonel Fitzwilliam Darcy.

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