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This work was translated into Italian by @littleborderlinegirl Please be sure to check them out :)


Dazai knew how unhealthy it was to be alone. He had read enough news articles and seen enough movies to know what being alone could do to a person, but that didn't stop him. Everyday he would come to school with the same goal in mind: make friends.

He would think about making friends everyday but in the end he never did. A person, a single person would stop him in his tracks every time. His name was Chuuya Nakahara and he was the most perfect thing Dazai had ever seen in his life.

Dazai would walk into his classroom everyday and move over to his seat towards the back of the class and instantly be swept away by the man. He never said anything, just sat down at his seat behind him with a silent nod in the others direction and Chuuya would always nod back in understanding.

There were no words between them, they hadn't even talked to each other once unless you considered their morning nod a conversation. They didn't need to say anything, it just came naturally. Dazai could feel if Chuuya was uncomfortable or happy or sad just by the air and feel around him.

Things between Dazai and Chuuya were always comfortable. They were both comfortable in each others presence and never felt the need to even look at each other, though Dazai would always make it his mission to stare Chuuya down during class and memorize every hair on his head and every wrinkle in his black uniform. He swore he saw Chuuya squirm under his gaze once which makes him smirk even now.

Dazai walked into class like usual today, quietly saying "Good Morning" as he slide the classroom door closed. Chuuya was already at his seat like usual, looking out the window and down at the few students who were straggling to get to class on time. Dazai let a smile brighten his face at the sight of Chuuya as he walked over and gave the man a nod that he returned graciously before returning to watch the front entrance of the school.

The bell rang and class started, the homeroom teacher walking in and asking the class rep to start greetings. After that the teacher took attendance and went over any upcoming events and responsibilities, then class started.

The day went by slowly as Dazai was already bored with doing the same things everyday. If he had someone to talk to things might be more fun but Dazai couldn't bring himself to talk to anyone when he had Chuuya in his grasp. He couldn't keep his eye on Chuuya all the time if he had friends after all.

English class started and Dazai searched through his bag for the book they were reading and then realized that he didn't have it with him. He slouched in his seat, hoping the teacher wouldn't realize that his book was gone. Their Sensei was extremely strict when it came to having your things so he might give Dazai supplementary lessons or make him help clean after class.

The teacher started reading, walking down the aisles of desks with his book placed neatly in his hand. Dazai got nervous as he saw the teacher start to walk down his row. The teacher kept reading, walking down the aisle with lowered eyes. Suddenly he slammed his hand down on Dazai's desk, looking down at him with calculating eyes.

"Would you like to give me an explanation as to why you don't have your book Mr.Osamu?" Sensei practically growled out.

Dazai let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his head."Well, Sensei, I had a little mix up today. Would you forgive me?"

"Not being prepared for class in unacceptable," the teacher said with dead eyes.

"If you're so high strung about students being ready for class then what about teachers?" Dazai said smugly, smirking at the teacher."Shouldn't they also be ready? Because if I recall correctly you ran a little late to class yesterday and didn't even have the right lesson plan for the day."

The teacher blushed furiously instantly pointing to the door."Out of my class, now!"

Dazai sighed, silently cursing his loud mouth. He got up and gave Chuuya a small smile of reassurance when the other looked at him with concern. He was ecstatic that his Chuuya was so worried about him but couldn't dwell on it for too long; he had to find a way out this mess he created first.

Dazai's English teacher gave him a long lecture about talking back at the end of the class which Dazai replied to with a nice smile and a 'I will act more appropriately next time I promise' and then he was on his way, skipping down the halls with joy at the fact that he didn't get supplementary lessons.

Dazai went over to his shoe locker, taking off his indoor shoes and opening it up to grab his outdoor shoes. Right on top of his shoes was a candy wrapped in a green wrapper and Dazai smiled to himself. It had to be Chuuya who did this, there was on other person it could be.

The shorter man wanted to comfort him, how adorable~ Dazai unconsciously made himself a new goal. Tomorrow he would talk to Chuuya, no matter what.

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