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Dazai was excited. Today was the day he would finally talk to Chuuya. He had the goal swirling around in his mind and knew nothing could go wrong. Chuuya was always the thing that stopped him from completing his previous goal and so now that he was focusing on the thing that did him wrong, nothing bad could happen.

Dazai practically skipped to school, ready to just run to Chuuya's side and say hello. The man would have to say something back, it was common curtesy. Dazai quickly slipped into his indoors shoes, making a steady pace towards his classroom.

He went through what he was going to say to the man in his mind.'Good Morning, Chuuya. Good Morning, Chuuya' Dazai repeated on end. He needed to get this right, there couldn't be any faults in his first words to Chuuya. The man needed to see how ready and determined he was to finally talk to him.

Dazai couldn't help but feel a spike of nervousness. What if Chuuya didn't respond? What if he just told Dazai to leave him alone? What-What if Chuuya didn't even know Dazai? Like everything Dazai thought they had between them had been a lie?

Dazai shook off the thoughts. What he and Chuuya had was real. It was a real, pure connection that nothing could break and to hell to anyone who tried to break it. Dazai would not let them off easy.

Dazai finally stood in front of his classroom, hands twitching to reach for the door handle. He let out a calm breath and slid the door open, his eyes quickly trained on where Chuuya would be sitting except...Chuuya wasn't there.

Dazai panicked. Chuuya wasn't there. Chuuya wasn't there! Chuuya! Wasn't! There! Why wasn't Chuuya there?! What the hell was going on?! Chuuya was supposed to be there quietly waiting for Dazai to come and sweep him off his feet but no. The man wasn't there.

Dazai tried to calm himself; Chuuya was just sick or something. Tomorrow he would be back at his desk waiting for Dazai to come in and finally talk to him. He would be there with that lonely smile on his face, hunched over slightly only to tilt his head up a little and let his beautiful blue eyes curl with pleasure at the sight of Dazai entering the classroom. He would definitely be there.

Three days later and he still wasn't there. Dazai now knew it was time to panic. Did Chuuya just abandon him? Was he forced away? To sick to even go to school? And then a chilling thought ran through Dazai's mind. What if he was dead?

Its not like anyone would know, Chuuya was a loner after all. No one would even blink an eye if the man was gone, no one except Dazai. Thats when Dazai decided, he would find out what happened to Chuuya no matter what. He needed to know where his dearest had run off to.

After class Dazai sneaked into the teachers room once everyone had left. He stalked towards the file room, bending down and picking the lock. It was just one of those skills he had happened to pick up throughout his life and he sent a silent thanks to whoever had taught him such a thing. It helped him get one step closer to Chuuya's fate.

Dazai crept into the file room, taking out a flashlight and looking for the files that started with N since they all went by last name. He grinned to himself once he found the N cabinet and opened it up, nervous about what his new present could be. It could either be a new bike or a bag of coal. Dazai hoped for the first option.

He flipped through the various files until he finally found what he was looking for. Chuuya's beautiful name was etched into the corner of the folder and Dazai gingerly took it out, trying to calm down the spike of nervousness that ran through him.

There didn't seem to be anything out of place in Chuuya's document and Dazai let out a sigh of relief. He made sure to check other people files just in case something was amiss, which it wasn't. Chuuya was alright and that was all Dazai cared about.

The next week the homeroom teacher went to the front of the class and announced,"Chuuya Nakahara has left the school because of certain situations. Please give him your best regards."

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