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Dazai was excited. In a couple days he was going to a mixer and then he would finally learn how to flirt and well, generally interact with people. He needed this more than he thought he did. Being secluded his whole life had done him no good, who knew there could be so many things waiting for him right down the block.

Dazai skipped down the street on his way home, humming a sweet tune. He could practically see the little birds chirping next to him in harmony. Today was a good day~ Though it would be even better if Chuuya was around. Dazai would be lying if he said he didn't miss him. He craved for Chuuya to be back at his side where he belonged.

Suddenly there was a loud crash. It seemed to have come from one of the side streets, Dazai concluded. He contemplated going down to see what was happening but then thought it might not be the best idea, who knew what scary person was waiting for him at the end.

Just as Dazai was about to leave there was another crash and this time, a piercing scream followed it. Dazai cursed to himself, he just couldn't leave anyone be, could he?

Dazai walked down the street with cautious steps, trying not to make a sound. He noticed a figure and quickly hid behind a nearby trash can, hoping he wasn't seen. Peaking around the corner, Dazai noticed four different figures. Two of them were lying on the floor while the other was being held up by a shorter man.

The man seemed to have beaten up all the other men and he was yelling at the one he held firmly. Dazai squinted his eyes and noticed an unmistakable flash of orange. It was Chuuya, it had to be. He had spent a full year staring at the mans back, he could never mistake him.

Dazai started to get a giddy feeling in his chest. So Chuuya hadn't left, he just changed school and, by the looks of it, the school was another local one. Dazai couldn't be any happier. His dearest Chuuya was here and ready for the taking.

Dazai stood up, all his fear diminishing. Chuuya would never hurt him, he couldn't hurt him; Dazai had made sure of that. As if he had sensed him, Chuuya instantly looked towards Dazai, dropping the man in his grasp. He had already fainted anyways.

Chuuya's eyes widened once he noticed who was watching him."Wha..." Chuuya couldn't get the words out. He didn't except for him to be here and see him do something so cruel. Not exactly the ideal meeting.

"What a mess you made Chuuya~" Dazai purred, surveying the ground and noticing two extra bodies he hadn't seen before. His Chuuya was so strong~

Chuuya had always wondered how his first conversation with Dazai would go. He had expected it to be short and sweet, maybe even a bit awkward on the other mans part, but he had never expected this. Once the first word left Dazai's mouth, Chuuya felt a sudden rage boiling over and around him. The way he talked was so frilly and it sounded like he had everything figured out. Pissed him off.

"Be quiet," Chuuya growled back, walking over the lumps of people to meet his ex-classmate."What are you doing here?"

Dazai gave Chuuya a bright smile."I'm here to see you obviously!"

"Like hell!"

"Aw~ Chuuya you wound me." Dazai pouted, walking closer to Chuuya so that they were just a step away from each other.

Chuuya let out a deep sigh, trying to keep cool which really wasn't working. He couldn't handle it, it was something about the way the man talked. It wasn't right. He was acting so full of himself."I'll only ask you one more time," Chuuya grounded out, grabbing the collar of Dazai's school uniform."What are you doing here?"

Dazai's eyes suddenly went dark and before Chuuya could counter, he was pushed onto the floor with Dazai hovering over him, his face full of anger."You don't get to ask the questions, I do."

Chuuya struggled to get away from the man and quickly found out that it was impossible. It was like Dazai had restrained him, completely cut off his power."What the-?!"

"Shh..." Dazai hushed, putting his finger over Chuuya's lips."You don't want to make me angrier than I already am."

Chuuya huffed out but otherwise kept quiet. Something was wrong with Dazai and he intended to figure it out."So, Chuuya, why did you leave me?" Dazai asked, sitting down on top of Chuuya with a smirk, clearly pleased about something.

"I had no choice," Chuuya said, trying hard to hide his guilt. He didn't need this man knowing he felt bad for leaving him without a single word."The orphanage I lived in finally moved me."

Dazai hummed out, processing every word Chuuya told him."The orphanage huh....Well, what school are you going to now?"

"Port School."

"The one with all the gang members?" Chuuya nodded back a Dazai."Wow~ That must be tough~"

Chuuya noticed how Dazai started to relax and used it as his chance to escape the mans grasp. He slipped out of Dazai's hold and jumped up, ready to run off. Before he could leave, however, Dazai grabbed onto his arm and wrapped his arms around Chuuya from behind.

"Im glad to see you again," he whispered into Chuuya's ear and Chuuya couldn't help the blush that started to form on his face.

He shoved Dazai off him and stormed off, yelling back,"Go die! Shitty Dazai!"

Dazai smiled, walking away with a skip in his step.

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