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Dazai had made friends.

It had been a week since Chuuya left the school and ever since then people started to naturally trickle towards Dazai. It was as if Chuuya had been holding him back the whole time, making it so that he could never make friends or even talk to someone.

Dazai should be happy; he knew he should but he couldn't bring himself to let out a genuine smile. He didn't understand why this dark cloud was plaguing him. He had finally accomplished his long time goal of making friends, a goal he had strived to fulfill for months, yet he couldn't be happy.

Dazai would catch himself staring at Chuuya's desk, wondering where the man was. Where did he go? Was he nearby or did he completely leave the country? Would he ever see him again?

Dazai was almost certain he would meet Chuuya again. The man had popped into his life for a reason and he would be damned if anything tried to stop him from seeing his Chuuya again. They were meant for each other, Dazai knew it the moment he saw Chuuya. They were meant to meet and see each other and talk to each other. It was meant to happen.

Dazai didn't believe in fate but the idea didn't sound so unreasonable once he met Chuuya. Fate sounded good, like bare feet rubbing against cool sand along the shore. It made Dazai smile just thinking about what fun things he and Chuuya would go through later in life.

But first he had to find the man. Who knows where he could be? Chuuya had always been a mystery and now Dazai just needed to take the first step and try to solve it...him.

"You're staring again," Kunikida said, smacking Dazai on the back of the head with this notebook."Its unhealthy."

"Ah!" Dazai said, rubbing the back of his head."Sorry~! Sorry~!"

"Whatever," Kunikida mumbled, turning to fully face Dazai."You should go out instead of moping around like this."

"Im not moping!" Dazai said."Im just trying to figure out new suicide method!"

Kunikida sighed, seeing right through his friends lies. It was obvious that he was longing for the person who used to occupy the empty seat in front of him. He needed and distraction fast."Hey do you like mixers?"

"Mixers?" Dazai tilted his head to the side in confusion. He had never been out at any social gatherings so it was hard to understand all the social norms and things to do. Dazai silently wondered if Chuuya had ever been to a mixer. He highly doubted it, Chuuya wasn't one to socialize.

"Yeah you know...girls and guys-"

"You had me at girls~" Dazai purred, standing up and staring intently at Kunikida.

"Ok..." Kunikida said uneasily."Well I was thinking of hosting a mixer with a couple girls I know and was wondering if you wanted to go?"

"Yes! Yes!" Dazai said, giving Kunikida his best puppy dog eyes.

Kunikida gave in easily, knowing that Dazai needed this more than him."Ok I'll take you but we need one more person to even out the numbers."

"What about Tanizaki?" Dazai asked.

"No way. His sister would kill me if I took him to a mixer," Kunikida said, a shiver running up his spine ag just the thought of Naomi's rage.

"Hm~" Dazai hummed out, trying to think of anyone else he knew."Then what about Atsushi? He's relatively normal and he wont get in the way of me sweeping all the lady off their feet~"

Kunikida sighed, pushing up his glasses."He will do."

"Yay~♡" Dazai cheered, running off to tell Atsushi the news. Even if the man had plans, no was not an word in Dazai's vocabulary and he would just find some way to force Atsushi to come. The little underclassmen didn't have an say in the matter.

Dazai needed this mixer so that next time he saw Chuuya he would know exactly what to do to sweep the man off his feet.

Thought I would share this with you cause there was barely any soukoku in dis chapter (silent tears)
-Katlnn Rotato

A/N:Thought I would share this with you cause there was barely any soukoku in dis chapter (silent tears)-Katlnn Rotato

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