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"first, you smell like...
different shades of green."

"green? what about

"no. my nose didn't
detect purple."

—hoseok chuckles.
—jae smiles.
—she lays beside him.

"what else?"

"hm.. i noticed that you
have a minor lips."

"is that a good thing?"

"yes. a minor is silver,
and silver is beautiful."

"thank you."

"your hands..."

—hoseok suddenly envelops
jae's hands into his.

"they're so... midnight blue."


"yes. i love them a lot."

"thank you—"

"and your hair..."

—hoseok takes a strand
of jae's locks.

"i really admire that it's
the color of wood. but whoa."

—hoseok stares at it with
shining eyes.

"it shows a lot of saturday."

"saturday is pretty, yes?"

"pretty is an understatement."

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