Chapter 20- home bound

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*Lauren's POV*

"You know, today's the day you're allowed back home. How do you think your parents are gonna take your decision about not breaking up with Camila?" Alexa asked while I sat on her floor, packing my duffle bag up with the clothes I had brought over while I was forced to stay at someone else's house but mine. I sighed inwardly, how were they going to react? I mean my mom, although reluctant, came to terms with it but my father, I'm not too sure.

It sucks, it speak having your family made at you is probably the worst thing ever. And even though I hate myself for having them so mad at me, I'm not about to give up on Camila and I's relationship when it makes me happy. My parents can ground me and put so many restrictions on me as they desire but nothing will stop me from what I want. I was thick headed and stubborn and when I want something, I get it.

I dropped he last object into my bag and turned to Alex, smiling sadly. "Honestly, I don't know."

"They love you." She said, giving me a reassuring smile

"I know that, it's just," I paused in order to let out another loud sigh,"I hate seeing that look on their faces."

"Camila makes you happy, correct?"

"So happy. It's like every time I'm around her I'm walking on cloud nine and nothing can stop me. She's like a breath of fresh air when everything gets tough and stuffy around me."

"Then fuck what your parents have to say. Lauren, I know you value your parents opinions more than anything but you need to stop letting them dictate your life. You're falling, and falling hard may I add, for Camila and I'm not about to let you fuck that up by being a little baby about your parents."

"I'm pissed at them, ya know."

"You have a right to be, they're your parents, they should respect your decisions but they aren't and you have every right to be pissed at them."

I stood up from her carpet covered floor and slung my duffle bag over my shoulder, walking over to her bedroom door and leaning against the door frame. "I should get going, I'd rather go home now than later."

"If anything goes wrong, call me. I won't hesitate to come and pick you up, you're always welcome here." Alexa said and gave me a wide smile. I grinned back, winking and blowing a kiss before exiting her room, traveling down her stairs into her living room. Feeling the warm Florida air on my skin as I stepped out her front door made the weight on my shoulders feel a little less stressful.

The sun and the comfort of being outside always made me feel better, especially when I was stressed or nervous about something. The way the sun beat down on the pavement and the trees swayed in the light breeze was truly beautiful. "Hey," a deep voice said and I looked up to see my friend Luis standing there, his usual crooked, yet cute smile on his face.

"Hey there, long time no see." I said with a little laugh

"I know, I know. Out of curiosity, is there a reason you're standing on Alexa's front lawn staring out into space?"

I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down at my feet, clearing my throat awkwardly. "Just taking in the scenery."

"Ah, same old Lauren I see."

"Not too much has changed in a month."

I finally looked up to meet his eyes and he smiled again, "well I'll leave you be. We should catch up though some time, text me, we could get coffee."

I just nodded and we parted ways, him disappearing into Alexa's house whilst I walked to my car, fiddling in my pockets for my keys. "Check your back pocket, silly." A voice said and I swore I jumped three feet in the air.

I turned to see my girlfriend standing their with Normani and Dinah by her side. I clutched my chest and let out a deep breath. "Jesus Camila, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Key word there, almost." She said with a cheeky smile

"Anyways, what are you three doing here?"

"Geez, don't be so thrilled to see me."

I smiled at her as she pouted her lips and pulled her into a loving embrace. "I'm always happy to see my Camzi."

"You two stop being so cute together before I barf." Normani said

"Shut up Mani, you know you ship camren as hard as I do." Dinah said with a smile on her face

Mani rolled her eyes at Dinah before turning back to me and Camila. "Us three were just headed to the beach, care to join us?"

I sighed and pulled back from Camila. "As much as I'd love to, I've gotta get back home and see if my parents will allow me my room back."

"Lo," Camila said pulling on the belt loop on my jean, pulling me close to her,"why didn't you tell me you were going back today?"

"Well it's been a week so I assumed you guys knew I was going back but in all honesty I didn't tell you because I didn't want you worrying."

A pout formed on her face and I sighed, leaning down and kissing her lightly. Our eyes locking as we pulled apart. "Lauren, I always worry. Do you want me to come with you?"

I smiled at how protective she was and just shook my head. "No I think I'll be able to handle it, it may be better if I'm alone anyway. You just go have fun with Dinah and Mani and I'll call you afterwards, okay?"

"Okay." She whispered before closing the space between us, kissing me deeply. It only took a moment for me to react and snake my arms around her waist whilst her wrapped around my neck. With a slight tilt of my head I deepened the kiss, my tongue slipping into the familiar territory of her mouth. As I pulled back I bit down on her bottom lip, pulling it slightly down before giving one last peck to her now nearly swollen pink lips.

"Oh god ew, get a room." Normani whined and I just smiled kissing Camila before letting her go with Dinah and Mani. I watched as she walked away, her hips swaying with each step she took. I could've sworn she had been doing it on purpose because everyone knows I watch her as she walks away. I tore my eyes from the beautiful view of my girlfriend and opened my car door, getting in before shoving my duffle bag into the passenger seat.

I let out an airy breath before starting the car up and driving towards home. My heart rate quickened rather rapidly and a lump formed in my throat the closer I got to my house. I wasn't sure what to expect in all honesty. What if my mom and dad told Taylor and Chris and they now hate me too? How even can one person deal with one person from their family hating them let alone four?

As soon as I pulled up to my house I parked rather quickly and just sat in my car. I laid my head on the steering wheel and slowed down my breathing, calming myself and settling my nerves slightly. With a flick of the wrist, the car was off and I grabbed my bag, getting out of my car and heading up the walk way to my house. As soon as I opened the door, I felt everything become tense and I yelled out, "mom, dad?"

COMMENT :))))) ohhhhhhhh cliffhanger :P anyway comment, I going to need story ideas ASAP, I'm running out of things to write

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