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Hey guys, vicquinn here. Here's a new story, it's a bit different but i hope you guys enjoy! I don't plan for this story to be too long so it'll probably be under ten chapters. oh, and smut.


I would be lying if I said that I was having the best birthday ever today. I stared boredly at the waves crashing against the side of the boat. I felt the summer heat against my skin and realised I would be tanned before the week is over. I was finally twenty one. This was the year that I decided to move out of my parent's place and fend for myself. They offered to buy me an apartment in New York City when I went off to college but I said no and stayed with other guys in the dorms. After that I came home and lived in their massive home with them. 

I love my parents, I do, but they look after me to much. They spoil me with ridiculous and unecessary items, and to be honest it gets annoying sometimes. So here I was, twenty one today, and on a boat to my best friend Justin's island. To say Justin was filthy rich was an understatement. Our parents were co-CEO's of a multimillion dollar company and I guess we grew up in each other's company. My parents didn't like my mingling with other kid's of a lower status so I guess Justin was all I had. He showed up at my parent's house this morning and dropped me off on his boat. He told me that he wanted to cheer me up.

"We'll be docking in five minutes," one of the boat's crew told me. I said nothing and simply nodded, looking at him through my sunglasses. I watched as we slowly approached the shore. Lavish tall trees bloomed in the background, the beach's golden sand glowing against the sun. 

"Have a nice time. We'll come pick you up in a week at the same time." the captain told me as we arrived at the jetty. 

"Wait, you're not coming with me?" I asked.

"No, we were given instructions just to drop you off here." he replied.

"But I'll be on this island alone." I told him. "By myself."

"I'm sorry Kellin, but Justin told me that you were to go alone." he said. I sighed and wondered what my best friend was up to. I said my thanks and carried my duffel bag with me onto the island. I looked to my right and saw an endless beach complimented by clear, shallow water. The backdrop of the tropical tree's only made this place more astonishing. Further down the beach I could see the villa that Justin and I stayed at whenever we visted this island. 

As I approached the house, memories flooded back into my mind. I remember we would sometimes host parties here last year and they usually got out of hand. The villa was a large double storey home. It had a tennis court, an indoor and outdoor pool, a sauna, a library and a theatre. My parents offered to buy me a similar villa on one of their islands but I refused, it was over-luxious and I'm sure there were a billion better things they could spend their money on.

I opened the door and dumped my bag on the marble floor. I took my shoes off and headed back outside. All I wanted to do was wade around in the water and melt my feet into the sand. I sat down with my knees tucked in and admired the view. The serene sound of the waves rising and falling took my thoughts away. Justin told me he would come on Friday, leaving me four days here on my own. I was thankful that he gave me time to myself. I was a wreck after my boyfriend broke up with me a week ago. I loved him so much, he was my everything. But I guess I wasn't perfect and that was too much for him. In the end, he only wanted my money and a reliable fuck. Since then I've been so numb.

I spent the entire day exploring the island. My pants were rolled up past my knees and my shirt was rolled up to my elbows. I walked through the rainforest for an hour, and came back when I feared that there was a chance of getting lost. I walked down the beach and found an old run down jetty that had a nearby shed. There were still papers and documents inside that dated from the 1930's. I guess Justin didn't really clean up this far. After all, it did take me two hours to get down here. Then, I covered my feet in sand, faced the ocean and screamed. I screamed and screamed until I felt dizzy and that also wasn't enough. After a long day of looking around, I was surprised that I wasn't hungry at all. As the sky began to darken I made my way back to the villa.

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