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"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, peering into the garage. Vic looked up at me quickly, almost as if he was surprised to see me. 

He looked away from me before replying, "Nothing." He wasn't doing nothing. There were opened boxes on the floor and he was obviously looking for something.

"What are you searching for?" I asked again, annoyed that he was giving me such short answers.

"Don't worry." he replied bluntly, still not looking up in my direction.

"Why won't you tell me?" I asked him.

This time he looked up at me and sighed loudly. "And why do you ask so many questions? Can't you just leave me alone for another hour?" he snapped.

I was speechless. "Fine! I fucking will!" I replied angrily, storming out of that area and out of the house. I was huffing in anger as ran towards the shore and further away from the house. I kept running down along the beach, not keeping track of time or of where I was. I hated the way that he looked at me, his face etched in disdain, his eyes furrowed in contempt. I hated how he sighed frustratedly and rolled his eyes as I turned my back. He made me feel like a worthless piece of trash. 

Once I couldn't run any further, I collapsed to the ground, lying myself ontop of the damp sand. The late morning tide swept up my legs, a cold chill running through me. This whole moment seemed so cliche, something out of a movie, with the way I was settled on the shore, sitting with my legs bent and my arms around my knees. I watched the tides breathe, finding solace in the white noise. I was there for a while, a few hours. What was I getting myself into? Sometimes I hated my emotions. I hated how passionate I was about everything; life, love. Why was I getting myself so worked up on a guy whom I had only recently met. But then again, we had already declared our love for each other so why not?

He was no where to be seen when I arrived back home shortly after lunch. Light beads of sweat laid at the back of my neck as I returned from the light jog back. Looking at my tanned arms, I noticed how much darker I had gotten since arriving here. I guess I had been spending a lot of time outside for once. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when Vic appeared in the hallway that came from the back of the house. His look didn't give anything anyway when he merely glanced at me and then walked past me, headed towards the staircase. I didn't say anything. I kept my lips tight until I heard him enter one of the bedroom's upstairs. 

"Fucking asshole." I swore under my breath. He wants to ignore me? Is that how he wants to play the game? 

It was crazy. That afternoon was the longest that I had spent without Vic by my side, without his warm arm draped casually around my shoulders, his fingertips gliding against my sides. Somehow we had managed to avoid each other. I stayed downstairs watching TV all day whilst he was doing what ever the fuck he was doing. He came down for a brief moment to get a glass of water whilst I kept my eyes glued to the screen, pretending to be interested in the tampon ad that just had to air at that moment. 

As much as I didn't want to be the first to give up, I couldn't take it anymore. This whole situation was driving me crazy. I sighed, and got off the couch leaving the TV on in the background as I headed upstairs. I never liked being the bigger person in a fight, but then again I don't mind confrontation. In a fight, as long as I had my reasons, then I wasn't scared of a thing. I opened our bedroom door and peered inside the empty room. Blankets and ripped pillows were strewn across the floor from the previous night and it seemed like nothing had changed. I made my way out and opened the next door down. He wasn't there. There were 5 bedrooms on the floor, two on each side and the biggest room, Justin's, on the end of the corridor.

"Vic?" I called out quietly as I placed my hand on the doorknob. Suddenly the door opened and I was confronted by an angry face. His usually adorable smile was replaced with a scowl as he quickly closed the door behind him, it slamming with a bang. I couldn't help but frown as I didn't step back, our bodies close to each others.

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