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Never in my right mind have I ever believed that things other than humans were capable of so much. I knew animals were smart, but not that smart, and I had never really believed in aliens or ghosts or sub-human creatures. As brash as it sounds, I always believed that humans were the highest entities that were destined to walk the earth. Until this very moment. Until I was witnessing a robot standing right in front of me, it's eyes burning into mine.

This wasn't real, this wasn't real. But as much as I tried to convince myself, my mind knew better. These things don't typically exist, do they? My eyes were glued to the blue and yellow frayed pieces of wire that hung from the open socket, the dull layers of metal bounded by small bolts. I jumped in shock as Vic moved. He flashed me a small smile and I couldn't help but recoil in disgust. It disgusted me how he was pretending to be human all this time. His eyes shone knowingly, as if he was wanting for me to speak first.

"What are you?" I spat out, unable to contain my hatred. My words were laced with acid and disdain. His gaze was unnerving, his unnaturally chocolate eyes always locked onto mine. If I squinted hard enough, would you think that I'd be able to see metal in there? If I had really concentrated, could I notice the wires and lines inside them? And if I did notice them a few days ago, would I have said said something or would I have quickly dismissed it and be mad at myself for thinking such impossible things. 

He smirked at me, the corners of his lips tightening to create that attractive expression that I had always loved. Were there wires and microchips in his face that were connected to an artificial brain, a CPU? If there was, then this computer was very fast. His chest was rising and falling as per usual, looking so normal although I knew know that it wasn't. It was all artificial. Every action, every expression, every word. I doubt that this thing could even have emotions. 

"Come on, it's pretty obvious now, isn't it?" he replied, his voice calm and collected. I didn't realise that I had began to shake upon hearing him speak. It was all fake. Nothing about him was real. His voice everytime we made love was a memory that would be difficult for me to forget. His adorable groggy morning voice, his whiny tired voice, and the way he talked to me when he wanted to fuck, would now have to be sent to the trash of my mind. It was so easy how something beautiful could be so repulsive in seconds. 

I couldn't speak in response. My lips quavered as I kept taking a few steps backwards. This man I had once loved how become so disgusting. But he still looked the same. His silky cocoa hair still shone healthily under the lights, his soft cheeks looking even more touchable. His strong arms and lean muscles all looked completely normal, and even his slightest movements, like the wrinkling of his nose seemed completely natural. As impossible as it seems, the only thing that seemed really different were his eyes. Everything that I hoped for when I looked into them had vanished. 

"What are you going to do?" I mumbled, as my back hit the sink. Vic continued walking towards me and I had no doubt that he could kill me with one grip of the neck. I didn't realise, but the same knife that I was holding onto previously was sitting in his one hand. 

"N-no." I stammered, looking at him with wild eyes although there was no way he could understand emotions. His eyes were cold, unnerving as he kept coming towards me. This was it then. Here I was, about to die by the hands, or sensors and wires, of something that I had been fucking for the last few days. What a pathetic way to go, I couldn't go out like this. Vic's unreal eye's were locked onto mine, and everything became blurry as tears clouded my view. Suddenly, there was a bang. I focused my view, noting that somebody was standing right behind Vic. Justin.

"Come on!" he yelled, pulling me away from the robot and dragging me outside. It seemed as if Vic had stopped moving. My bareless feet melted into the sand as we dashed away from the house. I had kept myself calm and had managed to cease my tears for the time being. The dark skies loomed above us, not a star or moon in sight. There was nothing in the sky, nothing at all, and if Justin weren't here then I would have felt as if all hope was lost. 

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