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He was dressed when I finally came downstairs, my hair wet from my steamy shower. He looked up at me upon hearing me and flashed me a dreamy smile. It was so hard not to faint right there on the stairs and tumble down only to land in an awkward position. He dressed in a appropriate island wear; shorts and a tank top. My eyes scanned his strong biceps, and lean arms.

"Hungry?" he asked me from the couch. I gave him a small nod and he smiled and walked towards me, placing his hand on the small of my back, leading me into the kitchen. "I thought you'd be peckish after some morning exercise." A laugh escaped my lips and he grinned at me. Content was written on his face as we sat on the table, me on the end and Vic to my right. A large stack of pancakes sat before me waiting to be eaten.

"Oh god, this is so good," I mumbled after taking my first bite. Vic smiled proudly next to me and replied with a thanks. This whole situation felt surreal. I come to a supposedly desserted island one day to find a hot as guy strapped to my bed which practically screams sex. And then the next day he's still there, plus morning sex, plus steaming hot pancakes, and I just can't believe this.

As soon as we finished eating, Vic took our plates and left them in the sink. "I'll wash them later," he told me as I stood up.

"No don't. I'll do it. You've done so much already." I replied, referring to the pancakes.

He slid his arms around my waist and leaned in to meet my lips. He tasted like pancakes; warm, sweet and buttery. "Don't worry baby, I want to." he said, his lips inches away from mine. "Let's go outside," he suggested, taking my hand and walking towards the front door. Rays of warmth hit my face as we came outside. Sand filled the cracks of my toes as we walked along the shore. His hand felt perfect in mine; like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle.

"This island is beautiful." Vic said, his eyes cast over the horizon, watching the vast body of water dissapear below the sun.

"It is, isn't it." I replied.

Not as beautiful as you though." Vic said cooly. He looked at me with a grin and I instantly felt my cheeks warming up. I don't ever remember anybody calling me beautiful, in fact, I think Vic was the first.

"Thanks." I replied shyly. Ugh, why am I so nervous around him? He's already seen me naked twice so I didn't really have any think to be nervous about. 

"So how do you know Justin?" I asked him. Vic looked at me, a confused look on his face. 


"Justin...." I repeated. His face was blank for a moment, as if he was thinking long and hard about something. He then looked at me and gave me a wide smile.

"Yeah, I know Justin. Sorry it's just that I have really shitty memory sometimes." he told me with a laugh. 

"That's okay," I replied, "So how do you him?"

"Um.." he began, looking out at the ocean. "We met in college." 

"Oh, I see." I replied. I wondered why Vic seemed so reluctant. But then again, I didn't go to the same college as Justin so I wouldn't know if he was telling the truth or not. Vic smiled at me, and I smiled back against a blush. Why would Vic lie to me? He's too perfect to do that. "So how did Justin get you to come here? Did he set us up?"

"He just called me one day and asked for some help. Being the good friend that I am, I said sure. Especially if it involves sex with gorgeous guys like you." Vic said adorably. He leaned in to kiss me. I savoured the taste of his lips and I blushed again before we continued walking. A thought came to my mind, how could Vic forget that Justin asked him to come to the island. It confused me so I quickly dismissed it.

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