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 My eyes fluttered open frantically and I laid there in bed as I awoke, the details of last night hitting me in the face like a truck. I stayed silent for a while, unmoving, as I registered the fact that I was still alive. My throat was dry and my hands had become clammy since I had woken up. I was facing the open window, the fresh morning sun streaming out onto my face. The sun's warmth greeted me, reminding me that it was a new day.

I assumed that Vic was still awake as I could hear the rise and falling of his breathing from behind me. I didn't dare move. I could only pretend to be asleep for so long as I was certain that he was bound to wake up soon. He wanted me dead and I had no idea how to react to that. A thought occured to me and I silently and quietly shifted off the bed and headed for the door. All I needed is time, and I had some now since that Vic was asleep.

I looked back at his sleeping form and watched his still figure, half certain that he was sleeping. The fading morning chill met me as I walked swiftly down the stairs, my eyes scanning for anything that could be of help. My heart leapt into my throat as I saw what was sitting on the kitchen bench top. It was a yellow rectangular container with a screw on lid. A black warning skull was on the side, above the words. 'Rodenticide'. I didn't read anymore, I knew that it was rat poison. He had just left it lying on the table, not even bothering it to hide it. A strong sense of sadness fulfiulled me when I put the pieces together. Of course he wouldn't be bothered to put it away. I was meant to drink it; I wasn't supposed to be alive to see the evidence.

My knees shook and I almost fell to the ground if it weren't for my arms clingling desperately to the marble bench. My heart was beating frantically, and I could feel sweat starting to form. Goosebumps protruded from my arms, signs of my sudden sense of alarm. For minutes I stared at the bright yellow box, my eyes captivated by the poison. It was taunting me, this container, with it's guarantee of imminent define inside. But Vic wasn't dead. I didn't understand. I swapped the drinks. He was the one that was supposed to die. I watched him last night, I was sure he drank it. I didn't understand, I just didn't understand. 

I dragged myeself away from the kitchen towards the back of the house, hoping to find my phone. It couldn't have just dissapeared and I was feeling more and more certain that Vic had something to do with it. If I did find my phone, it would just arise more questions. When did he hide it? Why did he hide it? I didn't even know what day it was today. It was either my 5th day or 4th. Or was it the 6th? I couldn't remember. I didn't know how long I'd been on this island for and I had no means of communication with the outside. I didn't even know what I was going to say to Vic. Do I tell him that I know, or not? 

There were a few spare rooms towards the back of the house, places I've never been to in the last few days. I opened the few unlocked doors to find the rooms bare and empty, until I came to the last room. It was locked. In frustration, I shook the doorknob as if it would magically unlock itself. The thought was daunting me. What was behind the door? I wasn't dumb, I knew Vic had locked it and my phone was probably in there. I placed my ear against the door and listened as intently as I could. Silence. The only thing heard was the distant crashing of the ocean's wave and my surpressed breathing. 

A hand being placed on my shoulder caused me to jump. I quickly turned around, my heart racing, as I came face to face with Vic. His stare was cold and unmoving. I didn't even hear him walk up to me.

"What are you doing, Kellin?" he asked me, his voice blunt.

"I-i-i woke up early." I stammered back. I watched his brown eyes, noticing the lifelessness in them. I didn't know what he was thinking, I couldn't read him at all. His gaze was hard as he studied me. He was silent, waiting for me to keep talking.

"What's behind this door?" I asked him, trying to sound as brave and confident as possible. 

The corner's of Vic's lips tightened as he pursed his lips. "Nothing." he answered.

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