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The sun splayed against the back of Vic's lean chest as I leaned back and watched him stretch. He caught me looking at him and gave me a cocky smile. I blushed and looked away at the ocean's horizon. The sand was cool in the shade that I was laying in. It wasn't even 10 o clock in the morning yet and I thought that this was the earliest that I've ever been up these past few days.

"You're so lazy." Vic commented, as I poked my tongue out at him. 

"I'm not lazy, I just enjoy relaxing." I countered. He rolled his eyes playfully and melted his feet into the side, bending down to touch his toes. My eyes were glued to his pretty ass and he snapped his head towards me, giving me a smirk. We were both completely naked, seeing as that there was no one else on the island but us, and who would be bothered anyways?

"Baby, you can touch it you know? You don't have to limit yourself by just staring at it." he remarked. I responded by throwing a fistful of dry sand at him. 

"You're so full of yourself." I told him, giving him a mock menacing stare.  He rolled his eyes and walked towards me, reaching his arm out towards me.

"We're going into the water." he said.

"Oh come on, I just woke up." I whined, as he grabbed me, making us both run into the water. 

"See, this is fun." he said, and we both paddled further into the deeper side. The water below us was so clear, the rays of sunlight above causing the water to shimmer and glow beneath us. Thankfully there weren't any fishes or sea plants underneath us because those things gross me out.

I looked up as Vic placed a hand the side of my cheek. "What are you thinking about?" he whispered, placing a small kiss there. His water soaked hair stuck to the sides of his face, and the only thing more attractive than normal Vic was a wet Vic. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, wrapping my legs around his torso as well. I felt content when he slid his arms around my waist. 

"Nothing." I told him quietly, studying his perfect face. His eyes were were making me weak, with the way he was staring at me, like he was observing my every move. 

The corner of his lips twitched slightly into a covert smile. "Tell me." he said quietly. I shook my head and kissed the corner of his smooth lips before pressing my body to his until there was no space left between us. I rested my head on his left shoulder, and we stood there in peace appreciating the closeness that we physically shared. This was perfect. Everything felt so perfect. I breathed out in satisfaction, feeling Vic's thumb lightly tracing the small of my back. 

Vic leaned backwards for a bit so I could face him. "Baby, you're making me curious." he told me, and I could feel myself dying as he called me that name. 

"I was just thinking about us." I told him quietly. His eyes widened slightly as he nodded slowly. 

"What about us?" he asked curiously.

I hoped what I was going to next wouldn't be too awkward. "Just us in general. What am I to you, Vic?" I began. "I just got out of a relationship that left me heartbroken and I don't want to place all my emotions onto you when you're not feeling the same thing." I was incorrect. I had already opened myself up to Vic. I trusted him, I believed him, and for someone that could make me feel the way I feel when I'm around him, I believed that I was in love him. And those were things I that I wasn't ready to tell him. 

"Kellin.." Vic began, his eyes were thoughtful, glittering like he was musing about something. If he told me that he wasn't feeling anything for me, then I would understand. After all, it was my fault for falling in love with him when I knew nothing about him. 

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