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His warm fingers were entwined with mine as we headed into the tall towering tropical trees. The sun had just gone down and the skies were now painted in a spectactular navy blue shade. I took a secret glance at Vic, watching his thoughtful face as we walked. He seemed to be thinking hard about something, his expression somewhat distant. He had a picnic basket in his free hand and I felt myself smiling at what great a guy he was.

"Here it is." Vic told me, a proud smile on his face as he pushed back a large tree branch, revealing a large clearing behind it. I was in awe. I ran in front of him towards the lake, pulling Vic along with me. He chuckled as he observed me. A medium sized lake filled with clear water was before me, a turret of tall island trees surrounding us like an enclosure. The water was so clear that I could see the fallen mud and rocks on the lake's bottom. We were standing on short slightly damp grass, and I immediately kicked my flip flops away.

"This place is fucking gorgeous." I told him, leaning towards him to place a quick kiss on his soft lips. He looked at me happily, his warm eyes holding mine. I looked away, feeling my heart pounding loudly from inside me. All I wanted to do was lie down here and watch the stars light up in the sky. Vic let go of my hand to reach into the basket and pull out a large tartan picnic blanket. I couldn't stop grinning as I helped him place it on the floor. "Do you think the waters safe enough?" I asked him slowly. 

"I didn't bring towels. But it's okay, we can have sloppy wet sex." he said with a smirk and before I knew it his grip was on my arm, pushing me down to the lake. I fell into the water with a surprised yelp, water  splashing in all directions. The water was definitely cold, a contrast to the warmer temperature outside. I pulled my long black hair back and watched Vic standing on the edge of the lake. 

"You're so clumsy Kellin." he teased, causing me to lift up my hand and flip him off. 

"Just get in here already." I laughed. "I'm getting lonely." He smiled and nodded, leaping off the edge to cannonball into the lake. He grinned at me, swimming towards me whilst I splashed water into his face. I tried to quickly paddle away when all of a sudden his familiar arms were around my waist. "That was fucking fast." I exclaimed with a laugh. I turned around so that I could slip my arms around his neck. My legs wrapped themselves around his waist, and I realised that this was my favourite non-sex position with him. I loved being this close to him, so close that if everything in the world was silent I could hear his heartbeats beating one by one. 

His eyes kept a heay gaze on mine, as if he was reading me, searching my soul for something. He'd never looked at me this way before, and I can't say that I didn't like it. We didn't say a word, letting our eyes do the talking instead. His sensual gaze faltered to my lips, and I automatically and instinctly licked my lips. "You're so beautiful." he told me, and once again, I didn't fail to turn into a deep shade of crimson red, a colour my face had been more and more accustomed to these days. 

Our mouths hovered against one another, our eyes locked onto the other's. We were both waiting to see who would make the first move, although I doubt that it even mattered. A tiny smirk appeared on his face as he melted our lips together in a slow and passionate kiss. Could things get anymore perfect that this man holding me in his arms? As we made out in the water, I was thinking that I would never want this night to end. I was in love with him, and I was going to tell him tonight. 

His hands trailed my wet shirt, my face burning at his simple touch. We wanted each other, right now. We both got the same idea and I began making my way back towards the grass, him behind me, his hands planted on my waist. As soon as we were both out of the water, he was on top of me, both of us gasping for air as we kissed. He kissed me with a yearning desperation, the rage of a distressed man upon his lips. Our wet bodies rubbed forcibly against each other, causing inevitable friction. In a few mere seconds his hands were everywhere, causing me to gasp and moan quietly, yet loud enough for the both of us. 

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