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Justin ended the call, his arms shaking and his mind worried. He didn't know what to do. He felt terrible, realising that he had unknowingly placed his best friend in grave danger. With no other options, he entered a number into his mobile, telling that person to head straight to the island to check up on Kellin. After that, Justin made one last call. It was to the captain of his private boat, to tell him that he wanted to go to his island.


His lips were warm as I kissed them. I laid snuggled close to his body, his warm arm still wrapped tightly around my waist, our legs entwined together. He looked so delicate as he slept, and a feeling of adoration swept through me. My free hand skimmed over his toned chest. I smiled as Vic's eyes slowly fluttered open, and I felt excited to see his chocolate eyes. He stared straight at the ceiling for ten seconds, a blank expression upon him before moving his gaze towards me.

"Hey, morning." he murmered, leaning on his side to kiss me. I smiled through the kiss, enjoying every moment of it.

"Morning. Are you okay?" I asked, regarding his behaviour a few seconds earlier. 

"I'm fine. Was probably exhausted from our recreational activities yesterday." he joked, moving towards my lips once more. We kissed gently for the next five minutes before I couldn't take anymore and shoved my tongue into his mouth. "Ooh Kellin, eager are we?" he commented. I nodded and climbed on top of him so that I was straddling his chest. He wrapped his arms around my thighs and pulled me higher up on his chest. I leaned down to meet his lips. I melted my hands through his perfect soft hair, smiling through our rough kisses. Things were getting hotter by the second and I forced a moan back down my throat when I felt Vic gyrate his hips up. He spanked my ass and a whimper of pain left my mouth.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his eyes sparkling in care.

I gave him a small smile and replied, "No, nothing. Just a bit sore." Vic gave me a look of concern and pulled me off of him. I grimaced in pain. My muscles were incredibly sore and they hurt whenever I tried to move them. 

"Had too much fun?" he teased, placing his hands gently on my hips and pulling me towards his chest. 

"It's your fault." I shot back, a playful grin on my face as I wrapped my arms around his familiar neck and stared into his captivating eyes. He was breathtaking. Butterflies were flying around in my stomach as I felt his fingers lightly trail up my sides. Goosebumps arose at his touch, my body tingling in pleasure. It was a gesture so simple yet so sensual at the same time.

"I'm sorry." he whispered, and his fingers continued making their way up my body, brushing the side up my cheeks. "You're so beautiful, Kellin." he murmered, and I felt his gaze rake down my naked body. He studied me with adoration and care, something no one has ever given me. His hand made his way down my body once again and stopped at my ass. He rubbed circles on my ass in a light manner.

"Better?" he asked me. 

"No," I lied. He gave me a knowing smile and sat up. He leaned over me and gave me a soft kiss before continuing to kiss down my jaw, and neck. I sighed in content as he placed painless love bites down my collar bones. His tongue felt cool on my skin, causing me to shiver. He glided his tongue down my sides, his hands back on my ass. 

"You have an amazing ass." he told me, as he placed soft kisses on it. I was feeling too overwhelmed to reply. He gently moved me off my side so that I was now laying on my back. He hovered above me, his tongue licking my lips. I parted my lips and breathed heavily. He steamy gaze held me speechless as his tongue made his way down my body once again. His thumb massaged my hips before he planted small kisses on them, making his way further down. I gasped aloud as I felt his warm tongue glide down the length of my already hard dick. He smirked at me, knowing that he was the one to cause it.

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