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The calm sound of the roaring ocean woke me up from my restless slumber. I felt... so good. To my strange dissapointment I woke up to an empty bed. Did Vic leave already? Well, he was probably a hooker after all. Maybe he had instructions to just leave early in the morning. I didn't know why I was thinking about him so much. He's just a hooker. He's pretty much a stranger. But he was such a good fuck though.

I scrunched up my face as the scent of pancakes waded into my room. Who the hell? I slowly got out of bed and walked along the cold stone floor towards the kitchen, making sure I slipped my boxers on though. I had no idea who it could be.

To my surprise and utter delight, a toned naked hispanic man was in the kitchen, busily working at the stove. Oh my god, he was real. So last night really wasn't a fantasy. I spent so long staring at his bare ass that I didn't realise he turned around. He flashed me a smile and laughed. I couldn't stop staring at his friend down there, it was so unrealistically perfect and large.

"My face is up here, Kellin." he laughed, and I instantly blushed. "Good morning."

"Hi.. uh, good morning." I muttered back nervously. Ugh, why was I such a wreck? I couldn't talk properly with him in front of me.

"I'm making pancakes." he told me, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I can see that." I replied. He smiled and placed the whisk back in the container of batter. Looked like he was done.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked me as he wiped his hands on a hand towel and began to make his way towards me. 

"Um, uh, y-yeah." I stuttered, as he came closer. I could finally see his features brightly in the glow of the sunlight. His face radiated a healthy tan and his brown hair shone brightly in the light. He had thoughtful chocolate eyes that penetrated straight into my soul and lips that looked as soft as they tasted. And his body, oh god his body was just unreal. He was skinny yet he had the right amount of muscle to not look lanky but muscular instead. 

"You're staring." he said quietly, with a smile. I blushed even more as he cupped my face with his two hands and gave me a long passionate kiss. I kissed back eagerly, not believing that this was actually happening.

"Are you real?" I asked him, my hands running through his hair. He laughed but didn't reply. Instead, he lifted me up so that I could wrap my legs around his waist and carried me to the couch. 

"Of course I'm real." he replied, as he sunk his teeth into my neck, biting me ever so gently. "Why did you put these on?" he asked me cheekily, his thumb on the hem of my boxers. "You won't be needing them." My bottom half burned in excitement as his words and I was unconciously pressing my crotch to his. 

"Do you like dirty talk, Kellin?" Vic asked me, his voice purring in my ear. I nodded eagerly and he began to lick my ear, his hands pulling my boxers down.

"What else do you like?" he asked, his hands now gently stroking my dick. His hands glided over my dick ever so teasingly as he gave me a haughty smile.

"I-i l-like.." I groaned, my poor words quivering under my breath. "Oh god." 

"You like that don't you?" he asked me. I nodded my head, unable to speak under his actions. "Now answer my question, Kellin." I thought about my answer and blushed when I imagined telling him. All of a sudden he stopped stroking my pretty hard. dick. I looked at him in pain.

"Answer me, darling." he said, placing a kiss on the tip of my dick. My dick throbbed in lust and I desperately wanted him to continue.

"Keep going, please." I begged him but he smirked at me. 

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