Saying Goodbye Part 1

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" never say goodbye because one day you'll meet again so say ' see you later ' instead "

                                                                                                             - Unknown 

In the Valley of End 

Sasuke and Naruto was standing in front of each other, Naruto had the Kyuubi chakra covering him and Sasuke had the cruse mark all over his body and his hair changed and he grew a pair of wings " Sasuke " thought Naruto as Sasuke was laughing. Naruto gather the last of his and Kurama chakra into a rasengan while Sasuke did the chidori hand signs " chidori " said Sasuke but it wasn't a original chidori due to the fact that it had black flames around it " rasengan " said Naruto once the rasengan finished forming in his hand

both Naruto and Sasuke jumped from their spots aiming their jutsu at each other " I'm sorry Kura " thought Naruto as he undid his jutsu ' Kit, don't do it ' yelled Kurama but it was no use because Naruto made up his mind a long time ago, Sasuke saw Naruto undo his jutsu but it was too late for him as his chidori hit Naruto going through his chest where his heart was located

the last thing that Sasuke saw was Naruto smiling at him " Naruto, you idiot " thought Sasuke as he catch Naruto lifeless body then laid him on the ground " why " asked Sasuke as he watched over Naruto lifeless body that just laid there, Sasuke felt a pain throb in his chest " why " cried Sasuke as he couldn't hold back his tears

Sasuke only wanted to sever their bond but he never meant to kill him, the sky turned gray and it began to rain upon them. Naruto opened his eyes slightly " S-Sasuke " whispered Naruto but at that moment Sasuke shoulder where the curse mark was placed, grew in pain " ugh " screamed Sasuke in pain making him fall on his knees and his head hung low " S-Sasuke " whispered Naruto again 

Sasuke opened his eyes and was meet with Naruto's blue eyes " dope " mumbled Sasuke making Naruto smile slightly " teme, you don't look good crying " said Naruto as tears roll down on the side of his face but it was unnoticeable due to the rain " why did you undo your jutsu " asked Sasuke " because it was the only way that you'll come to your senses " said Naruto as he chuckled a little but it was too painful 

" S-Sasuke this is the end for me " said Naruto as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath " no!!!! you can't die " yelled Sasuke but he notice a lot of blood under his body that was being washed away by the rain " S-Sasuke " whispered Naruto " stop talking " yelled Sasuke as he moved at a better angle and placed his hand on top of his wound " i have something important to tell you " said Naruto as he smile a little " save it for later " cried Sasuke " i love you " said Naruto

Sasuke eyes widen and there was the pain his chest again " i always love you, ever since the academy days. i pretend to like Sakura so that you wouldn't you notice and it worked but i regret not telling you earlier, i never imagine telling you as i lay here die-ing " said Naruto as he chuckled " w-why are you telling this?? why can't it wait for later, when we go back to the village together then you can you tell " cried Sasuke " i don't have much time " cried Naruto knowing the end was near for him " please!!! stay with me, i can't lose you too. Naruto i love you, that's why you can't leave me " cried Sasuke as he closed his eyes, letting his tears fall on Naruto wound

Naruto found the little bit of strength and placed his hands on Sasuke cheeks to wipe away his tears " don't cry Sasuke. I'm happy, you feel the same way but don't worry i'll be back someday so wait for me " said Naruto " you idiot, how can you say that when we both know, you won't be coming back " cried Sasuke making Naruto smile slightly then he closed his eyes " Naruto, please open your eyes " cried Sasuke as he shook his body but nothing " it's all my fault " thought Sasuke as he hugged Naruto cold body

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