story time

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Sasuke was so happy that Minato and Sarutobi approved his relationship with Naruto but the fact that Minato said ' he has his eyes on him ' made him a little scare. Sasuke moved his hands fast as he was getting through all of his paper work because he wanted to get back home where Naruto was waiting for him 


it was already 7 at night and everyone was still at Sasuke's place as they laughed and talk about things that happened in the past but even if Naruto was laughing, he was sad that Sasuke wasn't there with him or their friends " are you alright " asked Shikamaru making everyone look towards Naruto who was hugging Sasuke pillow " it's nothing " said Naruto as he covered half of his face but when he glanced up, he saw everyone smirking " what " questioned Naruto " you miss Sasuke, don't you " said Ino as she squealed like a school girl " i don't " stuttered Naruto but it didn't help the fact that Naruto was blushing " aww you miss Sasuke " said Hinata " and, so what if i miss Sasuke " said / yelled Naruto but he covered his face " i want to see him " mumbled Naruto " come on, i'll take you to him " said Shikamaru making Naruto smile " really " questioned Naruto making Shikamaru nod 

everyone was happy to see Naruto again but it was getting late for them " we're gonna go " said everyone " it's early " said Naruto as he pointed at the clock without looking at it " Naruto, is gonna be 8 soon and we have a mission tomorrow " said Shino " plus don't you want to see Sasuke " asked Shikamaru as he smirk " i want to see him " whined Naruto as he turned towards Shikamaru who noticed Naruto pouting " come on let's go " said Shikamaru but when Naruto turned back to his friends, he notice that everyone had left without saying goodbye but he really didn't care because he wanted to see Sasuke ready " let's go " said Naruto making Shikamaru smile a little " lead the way " said Shikamaru as he place his hands behind his head " sure thing " said Naruto as he got up then they both left Sasuke apartment 

Shikamaru and Naruto walked all the way to the Hokage tower, they didn't a word to each other but it wasn't an awkward silence between them " Shika " was all that Naruto said making Shikamaru look towards him " thank you " said Naruto as he smile towards Shikamaru but it only made Shikamaru tilt his head just slightly because he was confuse " what for " asked Shikamaru as he stopped walking but Naruto just keep on walking until he stopped a few feet from him then he turned around with a sad smile on his face " thank you for being there for me when we were little, thank you for being my first friend, you were the only that understood, cared and treated me like a person, not a demon " said Naruto but he couldn't help but cry towards the end

Naruto had his eyes close so he didn't see Shikamaru move close to him but then he felt a pair of arms around his body " you don't have to thank me " said Shikamaru " I'm happy to stand by your side so don't hesitate to call when you're in trouble or you just want to talk " continued Shikamaru making Naruto nod but then he pulled away " you should stop crying, if Sasuke sees you like this then I'm a dead man " said Shikamaru making Naruto chuckled " you're right " said Naruto as he wiped his tears. Shikamaru and Naruto started their journey once again to the Hokage tower 


Sasuke was smiling as he finished with the last paper work on his desk " all done " said Sasuke as he threw the pen on the table then he stretched until he heard a knock on the door which cause him to raised an eyebrow when he saw that it was 8:30pm " come in " yelled Sasuke but he soon regretted it when he saw Sakura walk in " Sasuke-kun " yelled Sakura making Sasuke cringe as he ' ugh ' towards her " what do you want Sakura " asked Sasuke as he fixed the papers on his table " i want to know if it's true " said Sakura making Sasuke look up " if what's true " asked Sasuke " do you really have someone living with you " asked Sakura 


Naruto and Shikamaru finally made it to the Hokage tower without any trouble " thank you for everything Shika " said Naruto as he gave Shikamaru one last hug before they parted ways. Naruto walked up the stair towards the Hokage office " i bet Sasuke is gonna be surprise " thought Naruto as he reached the door handle but stopped mid ways when the saw the door opened just a little so he decide to look inside but his eyes widen when he Sasuke touching Sakura arms. Naruto had tears coming down his face so he turned around to leave but then he heard " Sakura stop " yelled Sasuke as he push Sakura away from him before someone comes in and misunderstand the whole situation 

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