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Sasuke glared at the 3 figure before he let them inside his apartment " Inoichi, Choza and Shikaku ( Ino, Choji and Shikamaru fathers ) i have a mission for the 3 of you " said Sasuke as he motion them to sit down on the couch " what can we do for you Hokage-sama " asked Choza as he glanced towards the other 2 who sat next to him " this mission is off the books " said Sasuke as he stood in front of them but then he heard some noise that came out from his room " i'll be back " said Sasuke as he headed towards his room. Inoichi, Choza and Shikaku was glancing towards each other " off the books " whispered Inoichi " it must be something important " whispered Choza while Shikaku thought about many different reasons to why Sasuke wanted to them to do a mission off the books 

Sasuke walked inside is bedroom and saw Naruto tossing and turning in his bed " please stop " mumbled Naruto as tears roll down his face making Sasuke frown, Sasuke sat down on the edge of his bed and stopped Naruto from tossing and turning, he lend in and whispered sweat words into Naruto ears making him calm down for the most part. Sasuke stayed with Naruto until he was more relax " good night Naru " whispered Sasuke as he kissed him on the temple then he left back to the living where everyone was whispering but they stopped when they notice that Sasuke enter the living room again 

Sasuke stopped in front of them " * cough * i need to find some guys and bring them to me " said Sasuke making everyone glance at each other " how many guys are we taking about " asked Inoichi " 12 " stated Sasuke " what are their names " asked Choza " i dont know " said Sasuke " do you have any pictures " asked Shikaku  " no " was all that Sasuke said making everyone sweat-drop " then how do you want us to find these 12 guys if you don't know their names or how they look like " asked Choza " well there's one person that knows that information  " said Sasuke as he looked behind him making Choza, Inoichi and Shikaku lend on each other to take a better look 

Sasuke looked back at the guys and saw that they were lending on each other trying to get a better view of what was inside Sasuke bedroom * cough, cough * everyone looked up at Sasuke who eyes were narrow making them sit up straight " so this person you mention " trailed off Shikaku " it's about Naruto " trailed off Sasuke " Naruto " questioned all 3 as they glance towards each other " but didn't he die 16 years ago " said Choza making Inoichi kick " ow " mumbled Choza as he rubbed his knee " that's the thing " said Sasuke as he looked down at the floor then back at them 

after Sasuke explained everything to Inoichi, Shikaku and Choza, he took them to his bedroom where they saw Naruto sleeping on his bed. they noticed Naruto blond hair, 3 whiskers on each cheeks " it's really Naruto " said Inoichi as he reached his arm out to touch Naruto cheeks but Sasuke grabbed his arm and griped it making Inoichi wince in pain " dont. touch. him " said Sasuke as he let out his KI towards the 3 of them " some is overprotective " joked Choza making Inoichi and Shikaku glare at him " i don't like people touching what's mine " said Sasuke " overprotective and possessive, what did you get yourself into Naruto " thought Inoichi, Shikaku and Choza 

after a while Inoichi used his mind transfer jutsu on Naruto while Shikaku managed to catch Inoichi lifeless body before he hit the ground " and now we wait " said Choza making Sasuke nod. Inoichi opened his eyes and saw that he was in a sewer " what is this place " thought Inoichi " it seems like we have an unwanted guest " echo through the sewers making Inoichi gulped as he walked feather down the sewer lines " i must be getting closer to the source " thought Inoichi as he felt the KI growing stronger and heavier

Inoichi walked for a few mins before he reached the source, he notice that it was no longer a sewer but a forest " what the " thought Inoichi as he looked behind him but it was pitch black so he looked in front of him and notice 2 large doors that belong to a cage opened " h-hello " called out Inoichi with a stuttered but then he heard an evil laugh " if it isn't Inoichi " said his voice that echo throughout the forest making Inoichi shiver " w-who a-are y-you " asked Inoichi as he stuttered but he couldn't help his eyes widen when he saw a fox with 9 nine tail " the nine tails fox " thought Inoichi as he fell on his butt 

.................. TO BE CONTIUNED 

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