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Inochi was just staring at Kurama who decide to have fun with him, Kurama decide to transform to his human self and disappear in a cloud of smoke making Inochi look around but he couldn't find him. Kurama appeared behind Inochi " boo " yelled / said Kurama making Inochi scream " AHHHH " screamed Inochi as he jump away from Kurama " hahaha, you should had seen your face " said Kurama as he wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes " w-who are you " stuttered Inochi " the kyubbi himself " said Kurama " but you were * extend his arm wide * and now you're * moved his arm closer together * " said Inochi " this is my human form " explained Kurama " human form " questioned Inochi as he titled his head to the slightly " yes human form but the really questioned is ' what are you doing here' " asked Kurama as he made circle's around Inochi who cleared his voice but nothing came out 

Inochi didn't say anything for a few secs which pissed Kurama a lot " out with boy " said Kurama with a stern voice " r-right " stuttered Inochi as he stood up and stand up straight " w-well Hokage-sama " said Inochi but was cut off by Kurama " the Uchiha brat, asked you to come in here " asked the Kurama " yes " said Inochi but deep down he chuckled when Kurama said ' Uchiha brat ' " i see " said Kurama as he stop walking but then he started taping his chin for a few secs then he turn to face Inochi " how good are you in locking up memories Inochi " asked Kurama " I'm decent " said Inochi " why are you asking " continued Inochi making Kurama sigh 

Kurama sigh once more before he spoke " i want to lock one of Naruto's memories from his past life but i can't do " said Kurama " why not " asked Inochi " its complicated " was all that Kurama making the atmosphere awkward " i see, which memories do you want to me lock " asked Inochi " a memory that's been painful for Naruto since he was little " said Kurama " is it about the mission that Sasuke gave us " asked Inochi making Kurama nod but then Kurama raised his arm in front of Inochi making him tilt his head slightly 

a door appeared behind Inochi who turned around when Kurama told him to do so " behind this door, is where Naruto memories rest " said Kurama " when you go through the door, you're gonna see 3 different colors of balls " explained Kurama " colors " questioned Inochi " yes color, every color has a different meaning. white balls are his happy memories, light blues are his sad memories and black are memories that someone should never go through " Kurama continued to explain " when you go inside, you gonna have to look for his black memories for your mission but let me warn you, if you happen to see another memory that aren't apart of your mission, you should never tell anyone and if you do tell, i'll make sure to end you, got that " said Kurama in a stern voice " u-understood " stuttered Inochi as he gulped when he looked back at Kurama and saw him smirk 

Inochi turn to face the door once more and took a deep breath in and out " it's now or never " thought Inochi as he opened the door and walked inside only to find the room in pure darkness " so dark " thought Inochi until he was snapped out of his thoughts when he hear the door close behind him. Inochi looked around the room but couldn't see anything until he saw a 4 white balls circling in the air until they separate and went to the 4 corner in the room " what the " mumbled Inochi until he saw the room light up making him look awe " so cool " said Inochi as he talked to himself 

Inochi looked around and saw a big TV that hang on the wall and at the bottom, there were controllers and in the middle of the controllers there was a circle " whats that for " thought Inochi until he looked to his right side and saw shelves with different color balls so he did the same to his left side and there were more balls on shelves but he couldn't help but notice the black balls were separate from the other colors " that's weird " mumbled Inochi but he still shrugged his shoulder and walked to his left side and saw the balls were labeled 

Inochi read some of the label " Naruto age 3 ( color blue ), Naruto age 10 ( color white ), Naruto's birth ( color blue ) " Inochi read out loud and was about to move on until he went back to Naruto's birth ball ( color blue ) " Naruto's birth "  thought Inochi but curiosity got the best of him so he picked it up and walked over to the controllers and placed the ball in the center, the ball lit up form light blue to dark blue then the tv turn on and it began to play 

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