I'm so killing him

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It's been a week since Naruto been throwing up " something must be wrong " thought Naruto as he came out of the bathroom of Gaara hotel room " Naruto are you alright " asked Garra as he looked up from his paper work that he brought from the Sand village " yea, just peachy " said Naruto as he threw himself on the bed " well tomorrow the Chuinn Exam starts so why don't you stay out of it if you're still feeling under the weather " said Gaara " what?? no way " said Naruto as he sat up " Naruto, you're feeling unwell and i don't want you to go fighting when you're not 100 percent " said Gaara " but father " said Naruto " no but's Naruto, if you're still feeling unwell then you're not gonna take the Chuinn Exam. i still don't understand why you want to take the exam, you're already an Anbu and one of my right hand man so " said Gaara as he raise an eyebrow " i just want to take the exam, that's all " said Naruto as he lend against his knee that was brought up to his chest 

Naruto felt dizzy but then he ran towards the bedroom once again " again " thought Gaara as he stared in the direction that Naruto ran into " what the fuck is wrong with me " thought Naruto as he hung his head low " Kura " called out Naruto in his head but Kurama wouldn't answer him " answer me " yelled Naruto ' well Kit, is not as simple as it seems ' said Kurama making Naruto sigh " am i dying " asked Naruto ' no you're not dying, Kit ' said Kurama " then what is it " asked Naruto ' well Kit ' said Kurama but he started to trail off " out with it " yelled Naruto as he lend against the wall in front of the toilet but then he started to have double vision ' Kit, you're pregnant ' was all that Kurama said before Naruto blacked out 

Gaara was still staring at the direction that Naruto ran towards in " it's weird that Naruto keep throwing up " thought Gaara ' maybe he's pregnant ' answered Shukaku " that can't be, he haven't had sex yet " said Gaara in his head but then he stopped at began to think all the time that Naruto spent with Sasuke " it can't be " mumbled Gaara ' remember, Naruto has the Kurama inside him so Naruto getting sick is impossible ' said Shukaku making Gaara get up then walk towards the bathroom where Naruto was passed out " Naruto please tell me, you didn't have sex with Sasuke " said Gaara as he turned towards the door frame but then he stopped and saw that Naruto was unresponsive 

Gaara took a few seconds before he reacted " Naruto " yelled Gaara as he ran towards him and hug his sides " Naruto " called out Gaara as he gently smacked Naruto's cheeks " shit " mumbled Gaara as he picked up Naruto bridal style and carried him out the bathroom. Gaara walked over to his bed and placed Naruto down. Sasuke was in sitting in his chair inside the Hokage tower but he wasn't alone, in front of him stood Inoichi, Choza and Shikaku. Sasuke felt his mark burning him making him frown " Naruto " was the first name that pop into his head " Hokage-sama " started Inoichi " we manage to find everyone that you're looking for " continued Choza " they're in the holding cell with 4 Anbu's keeping watch " said Shikaku making Sasuke nod but his mind was with Naruto 

Sasuke try to shake off the feeling that something happened to Naruto " something is wrong " thought Sasuke as he gripped his sides " Hokage-sama, is something wrong " asked Inoichi as he glanced over to Choza and Shikaku who glanced back at him " no, everything is fine " said Sasuke as he shook his head but anyone could tell, his mind was somewhere else " let's not waste anymore time " said Sasuke as he stood up and left with Inoichi, Choza and Shikaku following behind 

Gaara was standing above Naruto with his hand over Naruto's forehead. Gaara closed his eyes and took a deep breath but once he exhale, he opened his eyes and in front of him stood Kurama but Shukaku was behind him ( Gaara ) " please tell me, Naruto isn't pregnant " asked Gaara as he narrowed his eyes towards Kurama who shifted slightly ' well ' chuckled Kurama but Gaara wasn't laughing " this isn't a laughing matter. Naruto's 16, he's too young to have a child and being a single parent must be the icing to the cake " said Gaara with a stern voice " he's not gonna be a single parent plus Naruto already marked Sasuke at his mate and Sasuke asked him to marry him " said Kurama as he tried to smooth things out for both Naruto and Sasuke 

Gaara had his eyes close as he try to organized all the information that Kurama gave him. after a while Gaara opened his eyes but he couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose and close his eyes once more " omg " mumbled Gaara as he opened his eyes " wait so let me get this straight, Sasuke asked Naruto to marry him and judging by the way you said it, Naruto said yes. Sasuke and Naruto had sex which cause Naruto to end up pregnant " said Gaara as he sigh at the end " do Sasuke know " asked Gaara " no he doesn't know " said Kurama " Naruto is not gonna live in this village so Sasuke better be prepared to leave this village " said Gaara as he crossed his arm " I'm killing him " was all that Gaara as he opened his eyes and was back in his hotel room 

Sasuke, Inoichi, Choza and Shikaku made their way towards the holding cells where all 12 guys were being held. Sasuke signal the Anbu's to take them to an empty room that was sound proof. once the 12 guys were in the room screaming ' where they were ' or ' who's there ', Sasuke nodded towards the Anbu's to take off the blind fold. once the mens eyes adjusted to the dim light " Hokage-sama " yelled everyone making Sasuke sigh in annoyance " shut up " yelled Sasuke, shocking everyone in the room expect Shikaku, Choza and Inoichi 

Sasuke started to walk around the 12 guys who looked like they were in their early to late 40's " do you know why you're here " asked Sasuke " no " said most of the men there " do you remember a Naruto Uzumaki " asked Sasuke once he stopped his pacing and stood in front of them " that nine tail brat " yelled most of the men making Sasuke growl but he keep his cool " do you remember what you did to him when he was 6 " asked Sasuke as he growl towards the end " of course we do and we made sure he wouldn't forget too " said one of the guys making everyone nodded in agreement but not only did Sasuke growl, Inoichi couldn't help but growl as well because he seen what they did to Naruto " you monsters " yelled Inoichi as he couldn't hold it anymore and was gonna attack them but Choza and Shikaku stopped them  

Sasuke was gonna talk but his mark on his side of his stomach started to burn again " i had enough of this " said Sasuke as he activated his mangekyou sharingan then cast a genjutsu on them " AHHHHHHHHH " yelled all 12 guys before they all fell unconscious " what happened to them " asked Choza as he let Inoichi go " you're just gonna put them to sleep " yelled Inoichi as he push Shikaku off him " calm down, they're not gonna wake up anytime soon. plus they're not sleeping, i cast a genjutsu on them making sure they feel the same pain Naruto went through times 100 " said Sasuke as he deactivated his mangekyou sharingan then he turned around and face them " they're gonna relive everything for 72 hours and once that's done, they're dead " said Sasuke as he walked out and left but not before threatening the Anbu's to keep quite and if they don't, they'll suffer the same fate as the same 12 guys 

Sasuke stumble a little throughout the hallway before he lend against the wall " Naruto " thought Sasuke as he shunshined in front of Naruto hotel room * knock knock *  Sasuke was waiting for Naruto to answer but there wasn't any " Naruto " called out Sasuke as he knocked once more but he notice that the burn was getting worst but it wasn't drawing him to Naruto's bedroom but to the bedroom next door. Sasuke titled his head slightly but he end up growling a little " who's the bastard that have my Naruto " thought Sasuke as he stomp his foot but instead of knocking, he just opened the door

Sasuke still closed the door behind him and made his way towards center of the room but he fail to see Gaara in the bathroom but Gaara saw him " Sasuke " thought Gaara as he put down the wet towel for Naruto and heard Sasuke say ' Naruto ' so he decide to listen in. Sasuke walked over to Naruto and wanted to touch him but hesitated a little before he grabbed Naruto's hand and kissed it " Naruto what happened to you " thought Sasuke as he was still kissing Naruto's hand 

Gaara couldn't hear anything so he poked his head out and saw that Sasuke kissing Naruto's hand which made him narrow his eyes " Uchiha " was all that Gaara said to make Sasuke jump a little as he let go of Naruto's hands and look up. Sasuke saw Gaara glaring at him " Gaara " stuttered Sasuke who was embarrassed that he got taught but he couldn't help but have a tint of blush on his cheeks 

.......................... TO BE CONTINUED 

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