everything comes to an end

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( I'm sorry for updating so late. to say the truth, i didn't want to update this story due to the fact that i knew, this was gonna be the last chapter. i was gonna do 2 parts but then i decide on making it a whole chapter so you wouldn't have to wait. ) 

finally the week has come to an end and everyone was happy expect for one " so troublesome " said Shikamaru as he threw himself onto the chair in front of Sasuke " come on Shikamaru, it's not that bad " said Sasuke as he cleared off some paper on his desk " why can't you choose someone else " asked Shikamaru " because you're the only one i trust with this job " said Sasuke but he fail to notice a smirk on Shikamaru face " it's still troublesome " said Shikamaru " but there's no way out of it so i'll do it " continued Shikamaru making Sasuke look up and smile " thanks, Shikamaru " said Sasuke " so when are you guys leaving " asked Shikamaru " well we're staying during ceremony but we're leaving first thing tomorrow morning " said Sasuke " then lets celebrate tonight " said Shikamaru making Sasuke nod " that's a great plan " said Sasuke as he smiled 


2 hours later 

everyone in the village was standing outside the Hokage tower " what's going on " whispered everyone to each other as Sasuke was getting ready with Shikamaru who next to him " are you ready " asked Sasuke " yea, its now or never " said Shikamaru before Sasuke opened the door to the roof top of the Hokage tower. Sasuke and Shikamaru walked over towards the edge of the tower where everyone was waiting " can i have everyone attention " yelled Sasuke making everyone look up then they saw Sasuke with Shikamaru who was standing next to him but they notice that Shikamaru had a similar cape as Sasuke but it was green and grey " now that i have everyone's attention, i want to announce that I'm stepping down as Hokage " said Sasuke making everyone gasp but then all of a sudden everyone yelled ' what ' " Shikamaru has agree to step forward as the new Hokage, Shikamaru would you like say something " asked Sasuke making Shikamaru nod then he stepped back and let Shikamaru have the floor 

Shikamaru cleared his voice " i want to thank Sasuke for giving me this opportunity in becoming Hokage. everyone knows that coming from the Nara clan means we're lazy, finds everything troublesome but we have a higher IQ then other people, i want everyone to trust me when i say that i would do everything in my power to make this a better village, to be able to protect everyone, to protect my love ones " said Shikamaru but he step back then he bow a 90 degrees bow " please expect me as Hokage " yelled Shikamaru making Sasuke smirk but after a while Shikamaru almost had a panic attack when everything was quite, Sasuke walked over to Shikamaru then place his hands on his shoulder 

Shikamaru glanced up towards Sasuke who smiled " look up " said said Sasuke making Shikamaru tilt his head but he still did it and thats when he saw everyone smiling " Shikamaru go for it " yelled Choji as he raised his fist up in the air making Shikamaru smile then everyone cheered for him " congratulation Shikamaru " said Sasuke as he extend his hand for Shikamaru could shake it and he did just that " thank you Sasuke " said Shikamaru making Sasuke smile " well i better get going " said Sasuke " don't want to make Naruto wait " continued Sasuke " we're meeting at 6 in the BBQ place " said Shikamaru making Sasuke nod then he left 


Naruto was standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror " i look fat " mumbled Naruto as he turned towards his side then he place his hand on his stomach but he's face brighten when he felt a small bump " what would Sasuke said if he saw me naked right now " thought Naruto but he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the front door close " Naruto " called out Sasuke " coming " yelled Naruto as he got dress really fast then walked out towards the living room " you're back " questioned Naruto " of course, everything went well and Shikamaru is the new Hokage " said Sasuke as he sat on the couch then he threw his head back " he finally gave in huh " questioned Naruto as he dried his hair with his towel " yea, now we could leave in peace " said Sasuke as he lifted his head then he stared at Naruto but he couldn't help but notice that Naruto's hair was wet and that he was blushing  

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