a path that once repeated itself but with a new ending

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Naruto eyes widen " no " was all that Naruto said but he soon regret it when he saw Sasuke tears fall from his face " you don't want to marry me " mumbled Sasuke " i didn't mean it like that " said Naruto as he took Sasuke hands, turned him to the side and kneel in front of him " Sasuke i didn't mean it like that. you know i love with all heart and of course i want to marry you but " trailed off Naruto as he looked down at their hands " but what " whispered Sasuke as he bit his lips slightly " i don't live here Sasuke, i live in the Sand Village " said Naruto making Sasuke eyes widen when he realize that Naruto didn't live in the leaf " then move here " said Sasuke as it the answer to all their problem but Naruto shook his head " i can't, father ( Gaara ) made a law stating ' whoever wants my hand in marriage, they have to live in the Sand Village '. Sasuke i can't ask you to give up your life for me, i can't ask you to give up being Hokage for me " said Naruto as he shed a tear 

Sasuke couldn't believe that there was such a law in the Sand Village " wait!! what?? why is there a such a law in the Sand Village " asked Sasuke because he didn't want to believe that Naruto was lying to him, that he didn't want to get marry with him. Naruto looked up at Sasuke then he looked away with shame in his eyes " Sasuke * looks at Sasuke in the eyes * i-i-i " trailed off Naruto as he gulp then inhale and exhale " Kami gave me a second chance to be with you but it came with a catch " said Naruto " a catch?? " questioned Sasuke " at the age of 3, my parents die in front of me " said Naruto as he shed a tear but he smiled sadly " that was the catch, that Kami place. it was so hard to be alone again. when my parents die, i noticed at i was in the Sand Village so i went looking for Gaara and i found him and told him who i was, he acted the same way like you did when i told you who i was " said Naruto but Sasuke didn't answer, he just paid attention " it took a while for Gaara to realize it was me. after he realize it was me, Gaara adopted and re-named me Naruto of the Sand " said Naruto as he smiled sadly but his memories weren't as pretty as one may think 

Naruto let go of Sasuke hands and gripped his pants tightly but it didn't go unnoticed by Sasuke who still choice not to say anything " as i was growing up, there was this one time that " trailed off Naruto as he bit his lips slightly " what happened " asked Sasuke in a low tone " i turned 5 when this thing happened. Gaara finally let me train to regain the power that i once had, this was before i meet Kura " said Naruto as tears fell down his face so Sasuke wiped them away " who's Kura " asked Sasuke making Naruto smile a little " you remember learning about what happened 28 years ago " asked Naruto making Sasuke nod " the Kyubbi attack " said Sasuke " but what does the kyubbi attack has anything to do with you " continued Sasuke " the nine tails fox can't be killed so the night that of the kyubbi attack the fourth Hokage seal the kyubbi in a new born baby " said Naruto " it was you " whispered Sasuke as he placed his hand on Naruto cheeks and traced his whiskers 

Naruto was deciding wether to tell Sasuke everything but at the end of the day, he decide to tell Sasuke everything " why you " asked Sasuke as he didn't understand why the fourth Hokage would seal the kyubbi inside someone who couldn't decide for themselves " the fourth Hokage was my father " said Naruto making Sasuke eyes widen " no one knew that the fourth Hokage had a son or even married but there was a few people that knew. my father thought it was best to seal the kyubbi inside me but he didn't think of the consequence that was brought by his decision. my father wanted the village to see me as a hero but the villagers had other plans " said Naruto as he looked down

Sasuke was trying to progress the information that Naruto gave him but he still nod, letting Naruto know that he could continued with his story. Naruto was thinking about what happened to him in his past life " when i was in the training ground in the Sand Village, i-i-i was " trailed off Naruto as he started breathing hard " Naruto " whispered Sasuke as he extended his arm but he retreated his arm when Naruto burst into tears as he continued to talk " 3 men, came out of nowhere and they " cried Naruto making Sasuke eyes widen once again but this time he was angry that someone touched his blond " they started touching me and i screamed for help but no one came. Gaara got worried when i didn't come home on time for dinner so he went to look for me, i thought i was gonna be raped but Gaara came and help " cried Naruto " they didn't " trailed off Sasuke because he didn't want to finish his sentence and cause Naruto more pain 

Naruto shook his head " this time someone saved me " cried Naruto making Sasuke stop and think " this time " questioned Sasuke making Naruto nod " remember when i told you that the villagers had other plans " said Naruto as he sniff. Sasuke nodded slightly " the villagers would beat me closed to death * Sasuke eyes widen * they would do things to me that i-i-i " said Naruto as he started to cry again. Sasuke made a fist and he looked like he wanted to kill someone " one day when i was 6, i was walking down the village when i enter an alleyway and there was 10 guys drinking " cried Naruto as he stood up then he started pacing back and forth " i try to get away " cried Naruto as he stopped then turned towards Sasuke and  place his hands on his chest " but they grabbed me and they did things to me, that i didn't wanted " cried Naruto " i screamed but no one came and the Anbu's Jiji that was put to protect me, they did nothing but watch and join in " cried Naruto " they kept on for 2 days untiled they got tried and tried to kill me " cried Naruto as he looked at Sasuke face and saw no emotion so he looked down at the floor 

Naruto hugged his body while he was shivering " i-i-i " trailed off Naruto as he began to cry harder " i understand if you don't love me anymore. just thinking about it, makes my body feel dirty " cried Naruto but then he hear the chair move so he looked up and saw Sasuke running towards him only to feel a Sasuke arm around his body " Naruto it's not your fault " cried Sasuke as he hung his head down on top of Naruto's shoulder. Naruto felt Sasuke tears on his shirt making him crying harder because that was the first time someone told him that it wasn't his fault 

Sasuke brought his head up and looked into Naruto's eyes " i love you Naruto. what happened to you, is not your fault. my love for you would never change, i waited for you, for 16 years and now that i have you in my arms, I'm not gonna let you go so lets go to the Sand Village " cried Sasuke making Naruto cried out loud like a little kid. Sasuke hugged Naruto tightly until he calm down but once he did, Naruto fell asleep in Sasuke arms from all the crying he did. Sasuke picked up Naruto bridal style and placed him on ' their ' bed 

Sasuke trace his thumb on Naruto cheek " you're never gonna be dirty to me Naruto. i love you way to much to let you go now, it's not you fault for what happened and i'll make sure to make them pay " whispered Sasuke because he didn't want to wake up Naruto who was sleeping so peacefully. Sasuke made a clone to do his job, he stayed with Naruto until he hear the door bell and went to get it. once he opened the door to revel 3 figures " Hokage-sama, you called " said the one in the middle " i have a mission for you guys " said Sasuke as he smirked 

..................... TO BE CONTNIUED 

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