good news

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( sorry for updating late but I haven't gotten time to write because they've been given me alot of hours at work and it's really getting to me. i really want to update so I'm making it short) 

Gaara eyes were twitching when he saw that tint of blush on Sasuke cheeks but that wasn't gonna stop him from killing him so he gathered his sand from his gourd and started moving it under Sasuke feet without him knowing but by the time Sasuke notice, it was too late " Gaara " yelled Sasuke once the sand had a grip around his legs, arms and upper body " you " mumbled Gaara making Sasuke titled his head just slightly " how dare you, steal Naruto's innocence " yelled Gaara as he gripped his sand tightly around Sasuke making him wince in pain

Sasuke notice what Gaara meant and blushed so he hung his head low so that Gaara wouldn't notice the blush but that wasn't the case " you bastard, stop blushing " yelled Gaara as he wanted to kill Sasuke right there " d-did N-Naruto t-tell you " stuttered Sasuke " no, he didn't " said Gaara " then how did you " tailed off Sasuke " i found out from Kurama " said Gaara " the kyubbi, told you i had sex with Naruto " asked Sasuke making Gaara growl just slightly " no, he didn't tell me you two had sex but he did tell me that Naruto is pregnant " said Gaara making Sasuke eye's widen but he couldn't help but glanced over towards Naruto who was still asleep but he did noticed how pale he was   

Gaara had his eyes close to notice the expression on Sasuke face " he's having my baby " thought Sasuke as tears started to fall " he's having our baby " mumbled Sasuke as he smiled " Sasuke, he's too young to have a kid and " said Gaara but stopped when he opened his eyes and saw that Sasuke was crying while he looked at Naruto " Sasuke " called out Gaara making Sasuke look up at him " why are crying " asked Gaara " because he's having our baby " cried Sasuke " and  you're crying because " questioned Gaara because he wanted a clear answer from Sasuke " because I'm happy, he's carrying my child, no , our child " cried Sasuke making Gaara smirk but he still wanted to hurt Sasuke for making Naruto pregnant so he release Sasuke from his sand making Sasuke fall hard on the floor " ouch " mumbled Sasuke as he try to get up but he fail to notice that Gaara left the room 

Sasuke took a while to get but when he did, he notice that Gaara was no longer there " that bastard " thought Sasuke as he used the edge of the bed for support but then he felt the bed move just slightly so he looked up and notice that it was Naruto that was moving. Sasuke stay kneeing down as he moved towards Naruto. Sasuke reached out his arm and gently touch Naruto's cheeks making Naruto lend in towards the warmth " Sasuke " mumbled Naruto making Sasuke blush but then he moved his hand away from Naruto's cheeks making him frown a little, Sasuke moved his hand towards Naruto's stomach and gently placed his hand it. Sasuke started to rub Naruto's stomach " hey little one " whispered Sasuke " i bet you can't hear me right now but I'm your daddy and I'm gonna love so much, i just can't wait until you're born " Sasuke continued to whisper

Naruto started to open his eyes slowly " father " whispered Naruto making Sasuke stop what he was doing and look up towards Naruto who felt something on top of his stomach so he used his elbow for support and that's when he saw Sasuke. Naruto eyes widen when he saw Sasuke but he couldn't help but noticed that Sasuke blushing from getting caught doing something embarrassing " Sasuke " questioned Naruto because he thought he was still sleeping " hey Naruto " said Sasuke as he took his hands off Naruto's stomach " is this real or am i still sleeping " asked Naruto as he threw himself gently on the bed so that he'll be laying down again " this is real " said Sasuke then Naruto sat up really quick making him dizzy 

Sasuke moved quickly to support him " Naruto are you alright " asked Sasuke as he looked worried " yea, just got a little dizzy that's all " said Naruto as he smile while he looked towards Sasuke who smiled back but after a while of looking into their eyes, they both lend in and kissed " i love you " whispered Sasuke once they parted " me too " whispered Naruto as he smiled but he couldn't help but rub his eyes " still tried " asked Sasuke making Naruto nod " then lets go to sleep " said Sasuke as he got on the bed then laid next to Naruto

Sasuke and Naruto were just staring at each other as they laid on the bed until Naruto started to cry when he remembered what happened a few hours ago " why are you crying " asked Sasuke as he reached out his hand towards Naruto's cheeks and wiped his tears " Sasuke " softly cried Naruto " don't cry Naruto " asked Sasuke as he moved closer placing his forehead against Naruto's forehead " I'm pregnant " whispered Naruto making Sasuke smiled as tears started to form in his eyes 

Naruto couldn't take anymore silence between them because Sasuke couldn't find the words to decide his happiness. Naruto opened his eyes to see the expression on Sasuke face but his vision wasn't clear due to his tears " please don't hate me " whispered Naruto as he gripped Sasuke shirt " why would i hate you " asked Sasuke " i just thought " said Naruto but he was cut off when Sasuke kissed him gently " you thought that i would hate because you're pregnant or was it because i didn't say anything back " asked Sasuke as he parted with Naruto's lips but it made him cried more as he nodded " I'm sorry Naruto " said Sasuke as he kissed Naruto's forehead then cheeks then his nose and lastly his lips " i just can't fine the words to describe what I'm feeling right now " said Sasuke as he hugged Naruto tightly 

after a while of hugging Naruto had fallen asleep in Sasuke arms " no words can describe my happiness right now Naruto. you're everything to me and now we're having a baby together, what more can i ask for " whispered Sasuke as he gently trace Naruto's cheeks then he lend in and kissed Naruto before he went to sleep

............................... TO BE CONTINUED 

( it may not be a good chapter but i have writes block and it's sucks so i hope everyone likes it )

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