Chapter 2

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I woke up i with the familiar smell filling my lungs, instantly reminding me of where i was. As i opened my eyes i felt a breeze slap me hard and i quickly closed them again. Groaning, i sat up and looked over at the now open window which i really didn't like. As i slowly walked over to it .

When i had finally made it to the window, i looked out at what was in front of me. The Low, Long, dark black clouds were looming over the city known as London and it looked like we would soon be engulfed in rain. I reached my hand out to shut the window, feeling small soft drops of rain hit my arm. I pulled the window and quickly turned on my heel to head downstairs. 

As soon as i got half way down the stairs i could smell something familiar. Wait......... PANCAKES!!!!! I rushed downstairs and bounced into the kitchen where i saw Harry making pancakes and singing the same line over and over again.

"I'm in love with you, and all these Little Things...."

"I'm in love with you, and all these Little Things..."

"I'm in love with you, and all these Little Things..."

As i walked closer i noticed a huge grin slapped on his face, he's normally always grumpy in the morning, strange. . . 

"Oh hey Ni!" Harry laughed as he spotted my confused expression. "Urm... hey? ooooohh Pancakes" i cheered as he handed me the plate full of six pancakes with chocolate and cream, yes, SIX! What can i say, im a boy who needs feeding. 

I slowly walked over to the glass table and sat down, digging into my amazing breakfast.

"So.. whats got you in such a good mood?" i asked as i finished my pancakes, "oh, nothing really" he answered and i saw his grin because bigger, hmmmmm.

"YOU CAN STOP CRYING BECAUSE I'M HOMEEEEEE" shouted the most amazing voice i have heard, wait.....amazing??

Scoffing loudly, i turned around to see Louis walk into the room and greet Harry with a hug, something they don't normally do. I cleared my throat and headed out of the room, why was i acting this way...? all they did was hug...

Hours have passed since then, all i have done is sat in my room staring at the wall and thinking. I know one time Liam came in and tried to speak to me, but it was like i was in a parallel universe or something... The dream from last night kept coming into my mind, When my mum disappeared, hearing her scream my name, everything. You wanna know what the worst part was? it was like i was there, i could hear it, feel it, like it was real and happening. Every time this happened my heart dropped, tears came to my eyes and a feeling which i could not explain developed in the pit of my stomach. I felt lonely without my mum, sad, maybe even a little depressed. I will never be able to actually hug her again, never be able to take her in my car when i get one, never be able to treat her with gifts and make her happy, never be able to speak to her about my problems or whats troubling me in life. I wont ever be able to feel her love, even though i know she loves me and is watching me from above. Ive had to sit their countless times and hear the boys tell me what they are getting their mum for Christmas, i would always say " oh... yeah.. that's cool" and leave them. I know my behaviour changes when they talk about mum's and stuff, and i also know they have noticed. Im just glad they havent questioned me about it, it may have been a month ago, but that doesn't mean im over it, i dont think i will ever be....

The rain slamming against the window is what pulled me out of my little trance state. Now would be a great time to go for a walk, great weather to suit my mood just like in the movies. I slowly walked downstairs and grabbed my coat while slipping my Supra's on."Yeah, i know he could hear me, but he didn't answer. I'm started to get extremely worried about him... you know what Ni is like, he doesn't talk to anyone about his problems...maybe we should talk to his mum." I heard Liam say, oh so they are talking about me now?

Falling down into the pit -Nouis AUWhere stories live. Discover now