Chapter 11

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Louis' POV

"Nah.. I'm good" He said as he snuggled into me. I put my arms around him protectively and started to think of tomorrow.

I need it to be good. Maybe we could go to that fancy restaurant down the road that i saw when we got here? Hopefully that way Niall will get a decent size meal which Harry isn't going to give him anytime soon. It was 3:30 AM and i was still awake. Niall's only woken up once, but i comforted him and soon enough he fell asleep again. He looks so peaceful when he is asleep, i could watch him all night, but i wont because that is just like Edward Cullen.... creepy......

 -End of recap-

Louis' POV

Today has been great so far.

Me and Niall stayed in his room and talked about everything and nothing. We had a right laugh and just enjoyed ourselves. I had to leave the room for 20 minutes to book the date for tonight though Niall thinks i was just talking to the other boys. Tonight is going to be perfect, it has to be perfect... I will tell you that.

Right now we was on Niall's bed and its half 5. The date starts at 7PM so not long to go yet...

"I love that film" Niall whispered as the cast names scrolled over the huge TV that was in front of us "Yeah... me too" I replied, getting up off the bed and looking through the other DVD's Niall had broughtq with him. I pulled out Nemo and proceeded to put it into the film, when i turned around i noticed Niall playing with loads of bracelets he had on his wrist. There must have been about 20-25, all different colours and sizes, some more bulky than others. He was still wearing that long-sleeved jumper, he most be boiling, but if he was he would take it of im sure....

When i sat down back next to Niall, i suddenly heard a gasp. "You put Nemo on! i love this film!!" Niall excitedly shouted loudly. I smiled to myself, rewards myself a mental point and looked at the adorable guy next to me.


Niall's POV

It was 7:00PM and i was still currently looking through all my clothes, trying to choose the perfect outfit for the "date" me and Louis are going on. I mean, he isn't even my boyfriend, but im still going on a date with him, how does that work? That's a positive thing, right? 

Soon enough, i had set my mind on looking casual. My blue chinos, a simple white top and a red jacket one of my favourite outfits i have. Once i had styled my hair into a perfect but messy quiff, I proceeded to put some makeup Lou gave me so i didn't look as tired.

It was now 7:25PM and i was literally buzzing. I can't wait for tonight and what's in store. I think we will be just watching a movie or something because Louis has been with me the whole time, and he never left to book somewhere, only to talk to the boys. Honestly? i couldn't care less if that was the situation, It's still a "date" right? ....

I sat down, waiting for Louis' arrival when thoughts started buzzing in my head.

What if he is just trying to be nice because somehow he know about me self-harming? Or because he feels bad about me?

What if he is just doing this to lead me on? Then suddenly break my heart in front of all the other boys? Just another laugh to them.

But what if i make a fool of myself? Or he finds out about my problem with cutting or my mum?

Doubt started to get the best of me, and i knew i shouldn't let it. Louis is generally a sweet guy, would he do  this to me? His best mate? 

Suddenly i was knocked out of my thoughts when there was a soft knock on my door. I stood up and moved to the door, opening it swiftly. There stood, the most amazing guy ever. His eyes were shiny, showing a strong, crystal clear, diamond like blue eyes that was full of happiness. His hair was styled in his normal side quiff, looking clean, soft, fluffy and perfect. He was wearing a white top, with a black jacket on which covered up his perfect [ink markings known as tattoos. He wore black skinny jeans, just like mine and black vans. He looked so cute and adorable, not to mention sexy. 

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