Stupid Kat!

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Charlotte's P.O.V

"Ugh!" Was all I heard as Sofa walked in, flopping onto her bed.

She had just come back from a detention she obviously hadn't enjoyed and was now collapsed across her bed. For a moment, Kat and I just stared at Sofa, then at each other, then back at Sofa.

Eventually, Kat broke the silence by asking in a cheeky tone "Sooooooo; how was detention?" That was not a good move on her part.

Kat hadn't known Sofa for as long as I had so she doesn't always say the smartest things. Kat only came to this school a year or two ago which is how Sofa and I had met her. I, on the other had, have known her since we were four.

That meant that at times like this I knew not to tease Sofa. Usually she's ok with teasing and will tease us back but something must have happens in detention that put her in a really bad mood.

After a few moments of Kat smirking at Sofa and Sofa glaring back she finally replied.

"I had the joy of, not only spending a few hours in a class room with Miss Grun, but I also got to share it with the one and only James Burn!" Her voice was laced with angry sarcasm as she plastered an obviously fake smile across her face as she spoke. Once she was finished it immediately dropped and she fell back into bed in frustration.

So that's what happened. She had to spend how ever many hours stuck in a room the the one person she hated most - James Burn.

"So," Kat started to speak again. "you had fun then?"

Really Kat? REALLY?!?!?!

She must know this is not a good idea and will soon have no teeth to speak with. But then again, this is Kat we're talking about. She's not exactly the smartest person in the world.

"No I did not have fucking fun!" Oh God. Sofas started to move out of her bed and stalk over to where Kat lay, each word full of anger. "He was the reason we nearly had to stay there for an extra few hours! Then, as if I hadn't suffered enough, he decided that I would need some help to come back here after detention!"

Before Kat could respond I gave her a swift kick to the shins and spoke for her. Trust me, Sofa was on the verge of killing someone right now and Kat would just make it worse.

"Maybe we should just go to sleep now. It's getting late and I'm sure you just wanna forget about today." I said mostly at Sofa rather than Kat. It was only 9:00 and it was the weekend so it was quite early to go to bed but no one disagreed.

Well no one disagreed much. Sofa mutter something under her breath which was probably some kind of death threat towards Kat for winding her up so much or for me because I stopped her from committing murder.

A few minutes later we were all in bed ready for the next day. Hopefully Sofa won't kill Kat and will have calmed down a bit by then.



Chapter 4, DONE!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, sorry it's a bit late, short and not that interesting. Hopefully you'll understand my very bad comedy! :-p

What do you think of the girls? Is anything gonna happen when they go back to school on Monday?

Next update should be at the weekend but I make no promises.

Comment, vote and follow! It would make me very happy if you did :-)

BYE!!!!!!!! :-D

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