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Charlotte's P.V.O

"Ok, Sofa says to start stage two now." I say after reading my friends text. "We've only got an hour, let's get going. You got the stuff?" I ask Kat. Once she nods we leave our room and start our journey down the corridor.

Luckily, Kat and I have a free period while Sofa's in sport. That means that we can compleat stage two without getting caught.

When we finally reach out destination, Kat takes a bobby pin from her hair and starts to fiddle with the lock. It only takes her about 5 minuets to break in (I should really be more concerned as to how she can do that so fast. If it was me, we'd be here forever).

"C'mon." Kat hiss as I stand in the door way. In all honesty I'm slightly nervous. Yes, I have broken rules before, but this is different. I'm pretty sure James will figure out who did this, I mean, he can't be that stupid. That means we'll almost defiantly get caught, or at least Sofa will be blamed. I just don't know if it's worth it.

"Here." Kat chucks me a role of tin foil (which I drop due to having no sporting abilities) and starts hiding the alarm clocks. "we only have another 45 minutes until first period ends so we gotta work quick. I'll give you a hand with the cling film after I set up the cameras." Oh yeah, the cameras, I'd forgotten about those. If the ever decide to search our room for evidence then we'll have video proof of what we did. Great. We might as well hand ourselves in now.

Nevertheless, I decide that I might as well do as I was told. As I rap all the belongings in tinfoil, I notice a small notepad peaking out from under James' pillow. As I flick through the small pad I notice thousands of names written in it, each with a small description next to it. As I read more carefully I notice they're all girls names.

Jessica Fletcher:

Cute, great in bed, but too clingy. Not worth it.

Great in bed? What the hell?! Is this a book of all the girls he's slept with?? If it is then I'm surprised he hasn't got every STD know to man yet. I read on.

Annabelle Roberts:

Hot when drunk. Not when sober! Can't remember how good she was in bed, but even if she was amazing I still don't thinks she's worth it. BARF!

How dare he! Is a girls looks and how good she is in bed all that matters to him?!

I flick through the book a bit more and notice a name I know scribbled at the bottom of the list.

Sophie Jones:

Interesting. Super hot but too much work. Have yet to sleep with her and not sure if she's worth it. She's a bit crazy...

Furiously, I stuff the notepad into my bag and start covering the room in tinfoil again. I had to show this to Sofa as soon as I see her.

What is wrong with him?! How dare he talk about her like that. About them like that. He just treats them like they're nothing!

All the doubts I had about this plank were quickly erased from my mind. All I wanted to do now was make this jerk pay.

We had only just finished setting up stage 2 of the plan when we hear the bell for second period ring. Quickly, Kat and I slip out of the room and jog to our lesson. We'll be able to see James reaction to our little prank tonight, but right now we needed to get out of there.



New chapter in Charlotte's P.O.V. Hope you like it!

What do you think of James' little note pad of names? How will he react to stage 2 of Sofa's prank? What do you think of Charlotte's new found rebellious side?

Tell me what you think in the comments! And don't forget to vote and follow if you enjoy!

See ya,

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😜

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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