Babysitting:Part 1

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Sofa's P.O.V.

"Bye Sophie!" Yell my parents as they left for the party abandoning me with my cousins.

"Oh, and by the way, Daniel and Abi have a play date today with Matthew and Sarah. " Called my aunt as she stepped in to the car. "They're older brothers going to come and help you out. Isn't that great?" No, no this isn't great. Now not only did I have to look after 4 kids, 2 of which I don't know, but I also have to deal with some guy I've never met before. I don't know about her, but that is not my idea of 'great'. Sadly, the car quickly sped off before I could tell her exactly how great I thought it was.

Just as I plonk myself in the space on the couch between Dan and Sarah, the door bell rings. Begrudgingly, I remove myself from the comfy couch and drag my self to the door.

As I opened the door all I could think was about how I was gonna kill my aunt as soon as she got back from that stupid party because standing. All those thoughts melted away from me because, standing right in front of me was one of the hottest guys I have ever seen. I mean, hotter than a movie star. His perfect blonde quiff suited him perfectly, making his blue eyes pop. His shirt was tight around his muscles and a shy smile appeared across his face. Finally, a cute guys who wasn't extremely self obsessed.

I suddenly hear him clear his thought awkwardly and notice I've been staring at him for almost two whole minuets. A blush creeps on to my face. Stop staring Sofa! He's gonna think you're some kind of creep who stares at random guys you don't know.

"Uh... ummm..." great start Sofa "you must be, Umm... You must be, urrrrr... Sarah and, Umm, Michael" I stammer when I notice the the two kids standing next to him.

"Yeah. I'm Steven by the way. Your aunt's friends with my mum. She sent me to help out." He spoke slightly awkwardly.

"I'm Sophie, but everyone calls me Sofa." Just as he's about to ask why I quickly interrupt, saying "I don't know why." Then I notice something. "What are those?" I ask pointing at the large over night bags and sleeping bags all three of them were carrying.

"Oh, didn't you know?" he began "Your aunt said we could stay the night; to keep you company." He said with that cute, shy smile of his.

I felt like I was going to throw up. I had to spend the night with him?! Then it hit me, the were only two guest rooms. The kids will share their rooms with their friends. My parents and my aunt and uncle are coming home late tonight so they will need their rooms. Which means I have to share with him.

How could they expect me to share a room with a complete stranger?! He could be a murderer or a rapist! An incredibly cute one, but I wanna live!!! I'm too young to die!!!!!!!

"So..." Steven starts after about 5 minuets of me standing there petrified. "where are we sleeping?" The question I really didn't want to answer.

"Well, umm..." I stammer looking for the right words "I guess the kids will share with their friends?"

"And me?" I stay quiet for a while trying to think of another solution.

"Umm... well... urrrr" this can not be happening. He may be incredibly cute but that does not mean I wanna share a room with him!

"Are you okay?" He asks. "You look like you might pass out"

"It's just that, umm... I think you'll have to share with me?" I finally admit. When I look up to see his face he had a similar look of horror on his face.

"O-okay..." He stammered

"Common, I'll show you to your rooms." I mumble, still blushing, allowing them inside.

I can not believe this! What was my aunt thinking?! This is not 'great', this is far from 'great'! I swear, if I get killed tonight it's all their fault. Ugh! The adults in my family are just so infuriating!



Chapter 9... DONE!

As you may have noticed this chapter is in 2 parts and part two will be up soon... hopefully. Sorry it's really short but I've been really busy revising and suff, plus I haven't updated on AGES and thought you'd prefer something rather than nothing. :p

Hope you like this chapter it's kinda a filler but the next chapter will hopefully be a bit better.

Please vote and comment! The more votes/comments I get the faster I update! Also, please follow me and tell me if you want me to do any other types of stories and feel free to yell at me if I take too long to update :p


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