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Sofa's P.V.O

It was late afternoon now and Steven was still here. He was about to leave but instead my aunt, being the lovely person she is, told him he should for a while so we could "get to know each other". I knew exactly what she meant you that. She was up to her sneaky little matchmaking tricks again. Ha! Jokes on her. I'll be back at school in a couple of week and I'll never have to see him again.

Oops, spoke too soon.

Just as I thought that my aunt piped up and told Steven to tell me the "good news". Good news my ass.

At fist Steven was just confused but my aunt began to prompt him by saying something about a scholarship.

"It not that interesting." Steven started slowly, still slightly confused as to why my aunt wanted him to tell me this. "I just got told a few weeks ago I had been offered a sports scholarship at this boarding school. It's pretty far away..." the boy trailed off.

Oh shit.

I could tell from my aunts cheeky expression what this could mean.

"Trinity?" I ask tentatively.

Stevens head jolted to look me straight in the eye. "Yeah...H-how did you..."

"Lucky guess" I interrupt, not wanting him to know I went there. However, I probably should have known that wouldn't last for long.

"Isn't this amazing?" I aunt beamed. "You'll both be going to the same school! And you'll both be sixth formers. I wander if you'll have any classes together..." the lady thought out loud with a goofy expression on her face.

My relative continued to talk about which classes Steven and I could have together (sport and maths were the likely options) and how we'll probably become great friends. How they where able to have such as convocation without me or Steven being able to get a word in edge ways was beyond me.

Throughout this conversation I did my best to keep my distance from Steven. This between us were still quit awkward. I look up at him as saw him looking down at his hand as he nervously fiddled with a glass he was holding. Aww. I gotta feel sorry for the guy. I can tell he's pretty shy and doesn't really like to be centre of attention. With my relative going on about us as though we weren't even would be awkward for anyone.

"Dyou want another drink Steven?" I ask at an attempt to change the subject.

"Umm, yes please"

"C'mon, I'll go make you one" I move to get up as the boy followed me out to the kitchen. My relatives still gossiping about Steven and I, probably unaware we had left.

"You okay?" I ask "I know my family can be a bit of a handful, let alone the main cause of my embarrassment." I laugh as I begin to poor our drinks.

"Yeah." he grins, "mine aren't any better. This one time, when I brought this girl back to my house, my mum asked if we were 'sexually active'" I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "We weren't even going out!" He continued laughing.

"It's nice to know I'm not the only one with an embarrassing family" I joked. We spent the rest of the night like that. Sharing our embarrassing stories and laughing at them together. I'm glad it's no longer awkward between us, Stevens actually pretty cool.


New chapter! Really hope you like it. Sorry if it's kinda short.

Just for those who don't know what sixth form is, it the 2 years before uni that we have to stay in education in England. I think that makes sense? Eh, close enough 😜

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this awkward chapter. If you've had any awkward moment please comment and we can laugh at them together 😂

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Byeeeeeeeeeee 😄

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