Makeup or food?

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Sofas P.O.V

The weekends over and it's back to school. Only a week until summer holidays and fun!

Me, Charlotte and Kat had just woken up and were already late. We were meant to meet the guys in the dinning room 10 minutes ago and we weren't even dress. That meant that this morning mainly consisted of screaming and fighting over our bathroom as we all rushed to get ready.

Unlike most the girls at our school (including my friends) I wasn't keen on makeup so when Kat and Charlotte had a mini war trying to use the mirror and do their makeup, I wasn't too bothered. Well, not until one fateful push from Kat cause Charlotte to spill mascara all over my favourite top. To say the least, I was a bit more than just a little pissed off.

At first, Charlottes face filled with shock which soon turned to anger when she turned to look at Kat. Kat, on the other hand just stood there frozen.

"That mascara was expensive you idiot!" Charlotte practically screamed a Kat. Does she not see my ruined top? This better not stain!

"I'm so sorry. I'll get you some more." Ok then, apparently my top doesn't matter to these two.

Kat kept apologising to Charlotte until she finally forgave her while I stood there in my favourite top which now had a black sploge in the middle.

"Helloooo? Is the person with a ruined top not gonna get an apology?" I said with slight annoyance at my bickering friends.

They both shut up and, in compleat unison, said "sorry". They sounded like two little kids who had just made their mum angry. In a way, they were.

Mind you, I couldn't blame them for not noticing, unlike me, they're both makeup mad. So mad, in fact, that if you mess with their makeup you may not live to see another day.

One time, I thought it would be funny to hide all their makeup, as a joke. It wasn't. This ended with them tying me to a chair and interrogating me until I told them where it was. Never mess with a girls makeup.

It was now 8:00 and we were half an hour late. Not to lessons, but to meeting the boys. And trust me, they we not happy.

"What took you so long?! Lessons start in 15 minutes. I don't think you'll have time to eat." Tom said frantically.

"What?! Do you mean..." I gulp "no breakfast?!" I screeched at him. I can't miss a meal! If you know me at all then you know food is my life. Missing a meal to me is like wasting makeup to my friends. It just doesn't happen unless you want to die.

"It takes at least 10 minutes to get from here to science and you know that." Said Dave.

"I can eat in five minutes!" I said hopefully.

"No you can't" protested everyone

"Now lets go, I am not gonna be late because of you're stomach!" Tom scolded as he practically dragged me, screaming and kicking, out of the dinning room to first lesson.

I have to get him back for this! No one messes with my food!



Chapter 6, DONE!!!

Sorry I haven't updated in ages, had sooooo much to do. I'll try to post the next chapter sooner.

Hope you liked this little chapter. Tried to make it kinda funny.

Tell me what you think! I might add in a bit of drama soon! :-p

Comment what you think and if you liked it please vote and follow me. It's really means a lot. :-D


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