Teenage Troubles

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Where I go, its hard to tell the difference. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice place with nice people. Well...some nice people. It's like every school. You've got the "populars", the "geeks" and then the people in the middle.

That's me. The person in the middle. I'm quite smart but not smart enough to be a "geek" and I'm way too shy to be a "popular" so I'm just stuck in the middle. I like it that way though. Less drama. At least, that's what I thought.

I'm Sophie by the way but everyone calls me sofa. Don't ask why coz I don't know.

I hang around with my best friends all the time. I guess you wanna know who they are don't you?

Well there's Charlotte who's my crazy, unbiological sister. We do everything together and know everything about each other.

Then there's Tom. Like me, he like weapons, explosives and beating the crap out of people, in video games that is. In really life we'd never hurt a fly.

Katy, who we call kat, is awesome! She doesn't care what people think of her as long as she's having fun. She'll always speak her mind and tell you the truth(whether you wanna hear it or not).

And finally, there's Daniel but we call him Dave. Again, don't ask why. We all have some pretty weird nickname but I guess that just sums us up. Pretty weird. And Dave is by far the weirdest! I can't even begin to explain him.

So that's us. We all go to the same boarding school on the coast of England. Me, Charlotte and kat in one room and Dave and Tom in another. There's also all the other students in all the other rooms but I'm not gonna tell you about all them right now.



Ok, so here's the fist chapter as an intro to this new book. I really hope you like it and I'll try to update as much as possible!

Follow, comment, vote! It really means a lot!

BYE! :-D

Teenage TroublesWhere stories live. Discover now