I really hate mornings

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Sofa's P.V.O

My eyes crack open, the bright light from the sun making it hard to open them. I don't know what time it is; but I'm tired. I hate morning. I never want to leave the warmth of my bed and the comforts of my blankets. It's just so cozy and-hang on.

What's that?

My blankets had been tossed on to the floor and a strong arm was rapped around me, keeping me warm. This is it. This is how I die. Killed in my aunts spare bed.

I try to roll over in his grip to see my killers face.

Steven?! I'd completely forgotten he was there! Why's he got his arm rapped around me? Maybe he is a murderer!

Stevens eyes begin to open sleepily, but when he see me within inches of his face they go wide. In his shocked, half asleep state he ends up falling out of bed.

"Are you okay?" I ask, peering over the edge of the bed at a very sleepy Steven.

"Huh? Umm, yeah, sure" he mumbles in his sleepy tone. Guys sleepy voices are so cute! "Why were you so frickin' close??" He says as he starts to wake up at bit, now able to comprehend what had just happened.

"Because you decided you wanted a human sized teddy to cuddle in the night! I didn't really have much of a choice." I state, slightly aggravated that he was blaming me for this. It's not like I could escape the grasp of someone like him. I'm only little while he's this tall, muscular man. I wouldn't stand a chance.

"Oh" is all he manages to say in response. "S-sorry" he stammers as a small blush creeps on to his face.

"It's okay. Let's just forget it ever happened" he agreed with me. This was embarrassing enough. I don't think we need to try and remember it. "Sooooo..." I say trying to change the topic. "Do you know what the time is."

"Nah, is there a clock somewhere? We've gotta leave by 11"

Seven and I creep downstairs in search of a clock, try to to wake any of the almost defiantly drunk adults. To our surprise, they were all sat around the table eating breakfast and laugh. How are they up so early?

"Hey sleepy heads" my aunt called to us. Sleepy heads? Had we slept in late? "It's almost 1 in the afternoon. But don't worry Steven, we've taken Sarah and Michael home. We thought you two might like a lie in." Wait! If it's nearly 1 in the afternoon then they must be eating lunch. And if there eating lunch then...

"I'VE MISSED BREAKFAST?!?!" I practically screech. This is not good. I repeat. Not! Good! "Why didn't you wake me?!" I ask as I frantically search for food.

"Is she okay?" Asks Steven.

"Yes, she just really loves food." My aunt responds. It's true. Food is my lover. Which is why I don't understand why no one woke me! "Sophie, calm down. We were going to wake you, but you just looked so good all snuggled up together"

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no nooooooo! She saw us?! I thought we were going to forget about this!!!! I guess adults just forget what it's like to be constantly embarrassed.

My cheeks redden and so do Stevens. Why did they have to see?! I'm never gonna live this down.



New chapter?! So soon?! What is this wizardry??


Thought I might just surprise you with a brand new chapter. Really hope you like it and are able to laugh at Sofa's embarrassment with me.

If you you enjoyed this then please remember to vote and tell me what you think in the comments.

Byeeeeeeeeeee :p

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