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"If there's even a slight chance of getting something that will make you happy, risk it. Life's too short, and happiness is too rare." ~A.R. Lucas

Harley's POV

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Harley's POV

I am a Gallagher. What does that even mean? Does a last name represent who you are? Do your parent represent the way you are going to turn out in the future. For mine, and the rest of the Gallagher clan hopefully the answer to that question is no.

My future consists of about four different options. The first two, or the ones most people expect from a Gallagher, I could become a drug addict, an alcoholic, or just a plain slut. If we're keeping this honest, neither of my parents were entirely faithful to one another. Now I consider that to be all one option because, again, keeping this honest my parents fucking suck. Excuse my language. Now my second option, another that everyone expects, I become pregnant at sixteen, well I'm sixteen now. Five more months to prove them wrong, great.

Now the last two, my dream, and my reality. I suppose starting with a dream is logical, considering the slim chances of it actually coming true, I'm not trying to be a downer or a drag, I'm just trying to live in the real world, like a Gallagher. What I want more than anything is to go to college, sounds dumb for a poor kid, but there's shit I actually want to do with my life. I want to become a forensics or maybe even a criminology major, I haven't decided yet. This dream of mine is highly unlikely however, there's no way I'd ever be able to afford it. But finally, the pleasant truth about my future, I'll most likely work some low paid job, maybe at a clothing store or a fast food joint, just trying to make ends meet. That what I do now anyways. Why change what you already know?

They say Gallaghers' are thieving, ungrateful, addicts who will never amount to anything. If you look at the Gallaghers from other generations I'll tell you, yes that's probably true. But as of my siblings and I? You'd never meet anyone more hardworking even if you searched the entire Earth.

Fiona Gallagher, my eldest sister takes care of the bunch, she struggles I can tell but she never gives up, that's what I love most about her. She is the most devoted and caring person I know and I can honestly say that I have no idea where I'd be without her.

Phillip 'Lip' Gallagher is my older brother. He is a pain in the ass but he means well. He is just as hardworking as Fiona and he never stops helping to provide for our mess of a family. He's intelligent, probably the smartest person I know.

Ian Gallagher, my twin brother. He's devoted, he has high aspirations. I can see him going somewhere someday, along with Lip. Ian is the kind of person you go to when you have no where to go. He's always there for you, no matter how much you fuck up. He's probably the most kindhearted person on this planet.

Carl Gallagher, my little brother. He is definitely a delinquent. He is a rule breaker who never considers the consequences for his actions. However, Carl has never cared what anyone else has thought about him. Carl beats to his own drum and even though he is a tad reckless, I still see a bright future for the little squirt.

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