You Can't Deny Our Love!

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Glynda POV

I was called by Ozpin since he wanted to tell me something concerning the school's staff. My heels clicked each time I took a step on the cold floors of Beacon. Upon entering, the first thing I noticed is the faint smile of Ozpin indicating that he has something that will bring so much fun to him and trouble for me...

"Ah! Good day isn't it Glynda?" he suddenly greeted me with much enthusiasm.

I looked at him with a raised brow, gripping unto my tablet gently at my side as we talked. "Good day as well Ozpin... may I ask why you called me?"

He let out a small laugh as he turned his chair around, looking at the view outside his window. "There's someone I'd like you to meet or rather... see again..." he pointed towards.

Suddenly a voice comes out from behind. It was a familiar voice that immediately ignited a certain feeling in me. I felt my hands grew slightly cold and my heart's beat skipped for a moment; it was a feeling when you suddenly come across a once close old friend or when you see the old house you used to live in. It was quite nostalgic...

"Guess who's back~" it said and immediately I turned around and my eyes widen behind my glasses and my jaw dropped. "It's pretty awesome to see you again... Glynda"

"(y/n)..." I say to myself.

"Yes! Ms. Glynda Goodwitch, I'd like you to meet (y/n) (l/n) the new teacher of Beacon Academy" Ozpin announced behind me.

When my light green eyes met his (e/c) eyes, I froze up and didn't know what to do but as usual, he didn't seem to have this kind of problem when it comes to me. "Well is that how you greet your old partner? Wide eyes and silence?"

He walked over to me and I noticed how he has changed over the years. He's still taller than me and wore a formal (f/c) suit and tie. His (h/c) hair and facial hair had been cut cleanly and over all, he looked suave. "(y/n)!" that was all I could say to him, I was still in my state of shock.

"Yeah-yeah... I know, how'd I become a teacher but long story short... I like talking! So... here I am!" he told me. "You sure have grown over the years Glynda! But I bet you still have that 'I'm going to stab you!' glare" I instantly glared at him through my glasses and he just laughed it off. Seeing this, I felt more comfortable. It was just like before. "Yep! There it is!"

I sighed out and had a faint smile on my lips "Well, I'm not the only one who has changed... you're..."

"Handsome? Cool? Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?" he spat some random complimentary words to himself "Yeah I know, but the inside is pretty much the same..."

I giggle seeing as how he seems to haven't changed a bit ever since we first met back in the day.

"Ehem..." We both turn at Ozpin who suddenly cleared his throat loudly. He was now facing us and had a small grin on his face "Perhaps you'd like to take this one outside? And Ms. Glynda, remember, you still have a class to teach..."

We both straighten ourselves up and give him a small bow. "A-ah yes! Of course... thank you sir..." "Thanks sir..." then we took our leave and began walking through the halls.

I kept my tablet pressed up on myself not knowing what I should do now. Suddenly, I hear (y/n) laugh beside me. I turned and looked at him, not knowing why he's laughing to himself "What are you laughing about?" I asked him.

"Nothing... I just realized that you're still beautiful like before" upon hearing this, I immediately looked away from him as we walked. I could feel the heat slowly build at my cheeks.

I calmed myself first, sighing, before replying. I had to keep in my head that I have a job now. "There you are again saying that. I understand that we were partners once but now that we're teachers at Beacon, I must suggest that we should act like the professionals we are"

"I do act professionally! Can a professional do this?" suddenly he pats me at my shoulder to get my attention. When I looked at him, he started to actually move his ears without touching them.

Impressive? Yes. Mature? No...

"Very mature (y/n)..." I sarcastically said as I rolled my eyes.

"Hehe, well you know me..." he casually said. He looked quite calm about this right now. His hands were in his pockets and there was a small smile on his lips.

Finally, we stop in front of the door of my next class. I faced him and looked up at him, eye to eye. "(y/n)... let's just keep our professional life and personal life separated for now... let's talk when we're alone, not when we're walking by the halls. I don't want you to ruin my professional reputation to my students... and it's not like you could anyway" Upon saying the last part, his eyes widen and it seems something in him has been triggered. Wait... I know this already. "NO! (Y/N)! I AM NOT CHALLENG-"

"Glynda Goodwitch I accept your challenge! I can do just that! I will ruin that professional reputation that you have..." he said proudly.

I sighed out, thinking about it, he might not be able to pull it off so I took the risk knowing that he won't stop; he's been always like that over the years. I glared at him as the challenge has been taken "Fine... I'd like to see you try. But I'm warning you, these kids both fear and respect me"

"I can end it right now..." he said. That smirk that he had sent shivers down my spine. Immediately I walked into the room as the sliding door opened itself for me. Just before the door could completely close, I hear (y/n) suddenly scream outside. "YOU CAN'T DENY OUR LOVE!"

My eyes instantly widen as wide as it can get upon hearing that and a full blush now on my face. Of course, my students heard this and they immediately looked at me and started going wild screaming. "MS. GLYNDA HAS A BOYFRIEND!"

I reached for my riding crop and slammed the door open. My twitched as I glared daggers at him and my teeth gritted. "(Y/N)!!!" I slammed my weapon hard against him, backed up by my telekinesis, dealing massive damage.

"I win..." were his last words before I sent him flying outside. But he was right... the damage has been done and when I entered, everyone was whispering rumors already...

I can't help but rest my face on my palm. A single thought came to mind 'That (y/n)... he really hasn't changed a bit...'

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